MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Mein Kampf is a book which has gone into various details. In fact, it does go to the depths of various human associations. There is an acute understanding on who will throw a spanner into the works at what time. The precision of logic is based on a feudal language social set-up. Most of these predictions can be seen to be quite in sync with the social mood in most feudal language nations of Asia, Africa, South America and Continental Europe. However, they wouldn’t find much sync in pristine-ENGLAND. Modern multi-culture England may not be immune to this.
Native-English mentality is not connected to a feudal language. However, they have not been able to keep a definite distance from feudal language speaking locations, historically. In Great Britain, they have remained stuck with the Irish, the Scots and the Welsh. The respective languages, I understand, are Irish, Gaelic and Welsh. These languages, I think, are known as Celtic languages. I did get a feeling that these languages are feudal. In fact, without any link or connection to these languages, I did discuss them in my ancient book: March of the evil empires; ENGLISH versus the feudal languages:
QUOTE: Britain has four divisions: England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Naturally, all of them have different languages. Even though I do not know much about them, I do think that all the other languages, other than English do have some level of feudal inputs in them. I have not done much study; yet, I think possibly Irish is feudal, taking into account of their fierce clannish social structure. Also, possibly the Scottish language also might have a great deal of feudal structure. If that be the case, it is possible that the defeat of the Bonnie Prince Charlie was due to the feudal language of the feudal lords, who accompanied him on his tragic march to London. END of QUOTE
It was my insight later that even so-called Irish famine and associated social trauma that the Irish people suffered are generally connected to their own language structure. Feudal languages create feudal structuring of social relationships, even if there is no statutory feudal set ups.
Recently, I came upon a book written by a native of the Indian peninsula, when a part of the peninsula was under the English rule. I need to insert the information that even in the highest period of English colonialism in the Indian peninsula, a good percentage of the land was still ruled by the native kings, not by England or English East India Company.
Interested readers can read this quote:
QUOTE from Malabar and its folks by: T. K. Gopal Panikkar with an introduction by the REV. F. W. KELLETT, M. A, (of the Madras Christian College)
Ireland and Irish history present similar and not less striking points of resemblance to Malabar and its history. Ireland is essentially a priest-ridden country. Its people, the great bulk of them, are immersed in the darkest depths of ignorance and superstition. With the exception of the Protestant county of Ulster, Ireland is a Roman Catholic country dominated by Roman Catholic priests who hold in their hands the keys of all social and political powers.
It is, said that even parliamentary elections are surreptitiously controlled by the mystic influence which they wield over the souls of a people given over to the worst forms of superstition; and this was put forward as one of the main grounds against the late Mr. Gladstone’s Home Rule Schemes during their progress through Parliament.
The superstitious Irish are terrorized into obedience to the will of these priests, who actually stand at the gates of the unlettered and slavish electors calling down the wrath of Heaven upon those who dared to disobey their superhuman mandates. Thus even Irish Politics are under the control of these Roman Catholic priests. Such is the power which the priestly classes wield over the minds and deeds of the Irish people.
The Irish Land Question is another instance of history repeating itself in an alien clime. The land in Ireland is owned by large proprietors who tease and oppress their tenants to the uttermost. Evictions are sadly too numerous ; and the lamentations of the poor Grubstreet author in the Deserted Village about a century and a quarter ago, really though not ostensibly directed against Irish landlordism, are too true even in our own day. Hack -renting has been one of the main features of the Irish Land Question.
The Irish tenants have all along been a down-trodden class and the problem of the Irish land has always remained a knotty and intricate one baffling the political skill of England’s greatest statesmen. All the various Land Acts passed from time to time for the amelioration of the condition of the landholding classes in the country have proved of little or no avail; and a workable and satisfactory scheme yet remains to be devised. The Irish tenant is often fleeced to more than the annual yield of the land in the shape of rent.
Suffice it to say, that the Irish tenants are under the oppressive control of their landlords.
As an inevitable consequence of the atrocities to which the Irish landholders are subjected at the hands of the landed aristocracy we see repeated instances of plebeian uprisings in vindication of humanity and justice. The Irish are a bold and reckless class to whose unquenchable thirst of revenge are due the various outbreaks that have from time to time tarnished the pages of their national history. Precious lives have often been sacrificed at the sacred altar of social and political wrongs.
People have been locked up within the prison walls for breaches of the peace; and the country has had to be constantly brought into subjection by the Coercion Acts which Parliament had to enforce against these dangerous ebullitions of fanaticism.
These Coercion Acts, though aimed at in the direction of Order and Reform, have always remained, in the estimation of many a politician, a standing blot upon the fair fame and prestige of Britain’s sway over Ireland. In all these various outbreaks the Land Question has figured prominently as one of the essential and pre-disposing causes.
In these aspects of its social life, Malabar stands level with the “tortured” land of Erin. With regard to the sacerdotal supremacy detailed above it may be surmised that Malabar is equally a priest-ridden country even from its origin. The traditional history of the land is put forward justification of the plea that it belongs in exclusive monopoly
Why I added this curious bit of quote from a book on the Malabar district of the British-India, in the erstwhile Madras Presidency, is that it contained information that seems to suggest that the Irish languages are feudal and similar to the feudal languages of the Indian peninsula. It is sure that the Irish would feel quite piqued to be seen to be compared to the ‘Indians’ when they would actually would like to be compared to the English.
However, that is not an Irish mentality alone. Almost all populations that have got linked to the native-English populations do like to keep a distance from their own native crowd, if the native crowd claims too much equality. Even Indians living in England wouldn’t like to be compared to the native-Indians or mentioned as being equal or similar to the native-Indians.
So, it is quite natural that the Irish also wouldn’t like to be compared to the Indians. For surely they do not look like ‘Indians’. (Even though the flag of Ireland does seem to be similar to an Indian flag with its one-side turned up). Well, the fact is that Indians born and bred in close association with native-English populations does not exhibit much Indian physical or mental attributes.
Apart from that, it is quite curious that the author of Malabar and its folks, also seem to miss the issue of language codes. I find it quite curious that no one seems to see anything amiss in languages that automatically structure all human relationships in pre-set orders. And the only way to struggle out of its stranglehold would be to act violently or in a gone-berserk manner. There is no location to sit and discuss any issue across the varying layers.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
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