MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 1 : 75 to 80
75. They dreamed of preserving world peace, and landed in the World War.
People who work using dreams, without any information should not head English nations. In fact, in recent decades it has been proven beyond all doubts that persons who have no loyalty or attachment to the English antiquity can become national leaders in the USA.
As to Britain, the current-day prime minister has gone bonkers claiming that he would live to see an Asian PM in England. It is like the King of Saudi Arabia saying that he would live to see a non-Islam being the king of Saudi Arabia. In fact, England is the Mecca of pristine-ENGLISH. The current-day political leadership is on a very erroneous path, led by the nose by rascal academic theoreticians who know next-to-nothing about non-English social communication.
76. Only children could have thought that they could get their bananas in the ‘peaceful contest of nations,’ by friendly and moral conduct and constant emphasis on their peaceful intentions, as they so high-soundingly and unctuously babbled; in other words, without ever having to take up arms
It is this same sense of complacency that has gripped most English nations. That economic freedom to all competing nations is just a peaceful sporting event. It is not. In feudal language nations, economic power is directly connected to word codes.
Words control each and every man’s complete rights, freedoms and eligibility to everything including the amount of right to articulation, the need to compulsorily exhibit obeisance in words and actions and much more.
There are no peaceful intentions in any economic activity in a feudal language setting. Being economically dependent is totally being an economic slave, which is very powerfully encoded in the word codes. Just because English does not have these codes doesn’t mean that these things do not exist in the world. Outside planar languages, which are few, the whole world is controlled by feudal language codes. Only children should believe the reality to be different? Well, in feudal language nations, even the children are privy to this information.
See what Adolf Hitler says. I should simply say that I am using his accurate perceptions in a more accurate premises. That in a location which he himself missed visualising.
77. The talk about the ‘peaceful economic’ conquest of the world was possibly the greatest nonsense which has ever been exalted to be a guiding principle of state policy.
Yes, it is nonsense. The economic moguls of Continental Europe, Japan, China, India, Pakistan, South Korea, Vietnam, and even of the black African nations know that English nations are there for their leisurely picking. So much has this nonsense of ‘peaceful economic’ conquest been allowed inside the vitals of English nations.
78. England, in particular, should have been recognized as the striking refutation of this theory; for no people has ever with greater brutality better prepared its economic conquests with the sword, and later ruthlessly defended them than the English nation.
Is it not positively the distinguishing feature of British statesmanship to draw economic acquisitions from political strength, and at once to recast every gain in economic strength into political power?
In the above sentences, Adolf Hitler also has gone bonkers, in an attempt to use ‘England’ to support his understanding. The striking information would be that England did not go in for an economic conquest or of any conquest in the Colonial areas. I cannot vouch for the activities of the Welsh, the Irish and the Scots, who more or less piggy-back rode on English endeavour everywhere.
For instance, what happened in the Indian subcontinent was not any conquest, either economic or military. In a geographical location where a majority of the populations were suppressed and kept bonded to the land, as enslaved labourers, the arrival of the English traders with their egalitarian language, literally broke the shackles of the enslaved people.
It is these people who pushed up the miniscule members of the English trading teams to political and economic leadership. However, this version of history, that is the version of the under-classes of the Indian peninsula never get taught in any university, including those in England. The history that they get to study is the version written by the ancient suppressor classes of the land. Including that of a fake Mahatma (son of a rich PM of native kingdom in the subcontinent).
In one were to read such books as the Travancore State Manual (written by V. Nagam Iyya) or the Native Life in Travancore, one can see the utter foolishness of the English individuals as they set out to teach the technical and agricultural skills of their own native homeland to the impoverished and enslaved populations of Travancore.
If the same kind of things are done in nowadays, (as done by Bill Gates and co), it would very candidly have been seen as export of technical skills to competing nations and competing businessmen. No nation other than English nations would condone such an action.
If the BPOing of native technical skills was attempted in such nations as China, the persons involved would have been hanged by the neck without dying for weeks. Such was the quality of the anti-national activity that these persons (BPO sponsors in the IT world) who sold out their own native land citizens for profit.
Yet, did England earn any gratitude from the very persons who improved tremendously through the endeavours of English colonialists? For example, in Travancore the lowest of the castes known as the Pulaya, Pariah etc. converted into Christianity.
They, who literally had been kept out of social habitation were allowed to learn the antique knowledge of England. English evangelists like Henry Baker and his wife, REV Samuel Mateers etc. toiled to improve their lot. The social leadership literally told them that it was a useless endeavour, for these individuals according to them, ‘were not fully human beings’.
See this quote from Native Life in Travancore:
QUOTE A Sudra (Nair) conversing with an Evangelist, said: — “Kuravars cannot learn anything — that is quite impossible.” END OF QUOTE
In fact, the English word Pariah used in English to mean an outcast, I think, comes from this caste name of Travancore.

Even though the lower castes were improved, in the local society none of the others could accept them as part of their social system. Even the traditional Christians, the so-called Syrian Christians did not allow them into their church.
So, slowly they started migrating into English-ruled Malabar district of the Madras Presidency. Here, many of them became vernacular and other subject teachers and also became the pioneers to bring in the Travancore language into the Malabar areas. Later when the English-rule ended, a huge number of these converted Christians came from the Travancore areas into Malabar forest, and burnt up tens of thousands of hectares of pristine forest areas.
This was aided by the fact that when the English-rule ended, the law & order machinery went into disarray, and there was no clear-cut policy on how to stop this destruction of forests. However, it soon transpired that the Madras state government would not condone the encroachment of forests inside its own state by people who had come from another state.
It was then that the calibre of the vernacular church authorities came into the fore. There was a realignment of state boundaries being planned in the national capital. The Malabar district was taken away from Madras State and amalgamated with Travancore state to form a new state.
So the whole issue of a people from another state encroaching forest lands was solved. Not only that. In the newly formed miniscule state, this Christian group was of a very significant percentage, enough to stake political bargains.
That was one fall-out. The other frill fall-outs were of more funnier and serious content. The Travancore language was superimposed on the state as the state-language. So, Malabar also learned this new language, and forgot its own traditional language.
Soon, it became evident that this state language has to claim much more. A claim was put forward that this language was a classical language of yore. At first the central government studied this claim and disallowed it. However, soon more pressure was exerted and soon it became a language that was declared to be as old as Sanskrit.
This all small history, not many will know in this miniscule state in India.
79. And what an error to believe that England is personally too much of a coward to stake her own blood for her economic policy! The fact that the English people possessed no ‘people’s army’ in no way proved the contrary; for what matters is not the momentary military form of the fighting forces, but rather the will and determination to risk those which do exist.
England has always possessed whatever armament she happened to need. She always fought with the weapons which success demanded. She fought with mercenaries as long as mercenaries sufficed; but she reached down into the precious blood of the whole nation when only such a sacrifice could bring victory; but the determination for victory, the tenacity and ruthless pursuit of this struggle, remained unchanged.
Adolf Hitler words contain some level of honest observations. However, he errs in his understandings and explanations. It is true that in history, England very rarely had a very powerful standing army. In fact, if the numerical strength of its army were compared with some of the strong kingdoms of Asia and Africa of those times, it would seem that England was an inferior nation.
However, in the case of England, it is not numbers that need to be taken up for calculation. It is its exquisite plateau-code planar language of English that makes it strong. And what would make it weak? Well, entry of feudal language speaking collaborators or citizens can render it weak. In fact, modern-day England is much weaker than its Victorian-age predecessor.
Modern-age England is an infected England, that can cave in, even though the antique pristine-English canvas can still give it a superiority. However, there is a terrific infection inside, that can be dangerous for the nation.
However, there is always the other side of a warfare, the other side. If they are feudal language speakers with a language that contains varying and mutually competing hierarchies, all of them in an activated condition, well then, they will go down on their own. The only thing to do is to encourage each of these components. They will mutually cut at each other’s feet.
80. In Germany, however, the school, the press, and comic magazines cultivated a conception of the Englishman’s character, and almost more so of his empire, which inevitably led to one of the most insidious delusions; for gradually everyone was infected by this nonsense, and the consequence was an underestimation for which we would have to pay most bitterly.
What a wonderful coincidence! In India, the school, the press, films, TV serial and comic magazines all paint the Englishman as a great villain. The poor and oppressed believe it when they are told that they are poor because everything was stolen away by the British. It becomes quite a funny situation that the very persons who mention all this use a British or English connection to flaunt everywhere. Getting their children to England is a very sly part of this cunning game.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
Annotations VOL - 1 - 1 to 11
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