MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Mein Kampf is certainly a good book, which has various streaks of great insights in various locations. It has been written by a person of outstanding personal capacities and calibre. It is the work of a person who had the capacity to look beyond the parameters and limitations imposed by indoctrinations and herd instincts. There are various locations where it is clearly seen that the author does not have a frog-in-the-well insight on events, incidences and logical thinking, on various items connected to history, sociology and as well measuring others.

At the same time, this book and its author did also have a lot of failures and shallowness, and including that of a frog-in-the-well attitude on certain items.
At the same time, this book and its author did also have a lot of failures and shallowness, and including that of a frog-in-the-well attitude on certain items.
The first item of its failure to measure up to book of universal appeal is its very basic cloistered and highly confined ambit of readership appeal. Even though there are various inputs, ideas and insights of glorious levels, the book is confined to a Germany versus others, Aryans versus others, Germans versus others, location. It is also localised by a very ubiquitous, Germans versus the Jews attitude, plus a totally anti-Jewish imputation everywhere.
At the same time, this book cannot be mentioned as pro-German book also. For, the book is full of accusations on German leadership, and there are many passages wherein the German people quality has been decried as corrupt, useless and utter foolish. If one were to not see the sentences that eulogise German traditions, heritage and various other claims of a similar kind, the book does actually parade German defects, German social incompetence, low-quality standards of the German leadership, and much more things. In fact, almost all the defects in the German administration, German politicians, German social life, German economic relationships, lack of quality in military leadership etc. are seen listed out.
Beyond that there is also a very clear mention of the existence of a lower intellectual class, that is the workers and menial classes in Germany, who cannot be expected to understand much things intellectually. And hence they need to be seduced into becoming a follower by using items that appeal at their own level of intelligence.
As such this book cannot be mentioned as a pro-German book and its fails at this definition.
This book misses by astronomical distances in explaining why the social system and allied administrative, military systems do have defects which are of miserable content.
Most of the insights it has on various items, connected to social problems, historical reasoning, military leadership, labour relationship, understanding community strategies etc. are not just about Germany, but could be equally applicable to almost most other nations, wherein the languages are feudal. As such this book and its insights could have been a great one. Here again it fails in arriving at that level, due to its author confining it to a small location in the world, i.e. Germany.
If the book is read by the German workers and menial class people in Germany, it is sure that there are sentences, which they would not like.
Then there is the use of the word Aryan. Even though this word is seen as a superimposition on the total text of the book, there is no clear idea as to how the author defines this group of people. The query would also remain as to who are the Aryans, as understood by the author. Is it the White Germans? If so, who else? Does it consist of the whole Whites? If so, the book’s ideology has a major problem of inner conflict. For, there is a terrible anti-French mood pervading various locations in the book.
As to the other Whites, the English are mentioned as Anglo-Saxons. There is no mention that they include the whole or any part of the Whites as Aryans. Even the Germans who escaped to the US are exclusively mentioned as Aryans, to the seclusion of the other Whites over there, and many non-acceptable claims about this Aryan group’s mental and social calibre are claimed, all of which are seen denied in the native German Aryans, in this very book. In fact, the native Aryans of Germany are not mentioned in any quantum of excellence or quality. This book is more about what can be achieved by the Aryans/Germans, if and when they can be consolidated under a great leadership. But then, the issue here is that any social group can be made to pulsate at their highest ambit of possible potentiality if an artificial social ambience can be created.
In fact, there is only one group in the whole world which can pulsate at its highest of amplitude of excellence, in a most natural social ambience. And that group is not the Germans or the Aryans. And who this group is, I will very categorically mention and also why it is so. However, this same quality of excellence can be created in any population if the codes that lead to social excellence is very clearly understood and very powerfully superimposed on it.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
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