MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 1 : 265 to 280
265. Only the presence of such a place, exerting the magic spell of a Mecca or a Rome, can in the long run give the movement a force
In feudal languages, there is indeed the need for a pyramid with a top head, from where the command routes emanate. However, it must be understood that for all command and obedience systems to function, there must be relative heights and lowness.
Even in English, the officer should stand above and soldier should be below in the command routes. However, what makes English command and obedience routes different is that there is no of pejoratives versus ennobling word codes that can be used and misused by others who stand on the frill sides of the command structure.
To make this statement understandable: for the English soldier, the wife of his officer is only a Mrs. so and so. And the solider himself is not a lesser You, lesser He or lesser Him, when the wife or other relatives of the officer mentions him.
However, in Hindi, the stinking lowering of the soldier done by the officer will be used by the other members of the officer’s family. And the soldier is forced to treat the wife and other family members’ of the officer with words of ennoblement, which also degrades him automatically.
These issues are not innate to the officer or his family members or that of the soldier. In fact, even if native-Englishmen are made to function in Hindi, all these Satanism will perch upon them.

IMAGE: Gurkha soldier in English army ROYAL AIR FORCE FAIRFORD, England).
To see Gurkha soldiers in the Thoo-level in Indian army, Click here
The image kept inside the WayBack Machine seems to have been deleted!
266. 1. , the creation of organisational forms is dependent on the men who are available and can be considered as leaders
2. The prerequisite for the creation of an organisational form is and remains the man necessary for its leadership
3. must be attached to will and energy than to intelligence as such, and most valuable of all is a combination of ability, determination, and perseverance.
The above three statements are connected to the machinery that has to be set up to create a powerful organisation.
267. It is the greatest error to believe that the strength of a movement increases through a union with another of similar character. It is true that every enlargement of this kind at first means an increase in outward dimensions, which to the eyes of superficial observers means power; in truth, however, it only takes over the germs of an inner weakening that will later become effective.
Yes, even similar organisations having same or similar aims are actually different pyramids with different leaders on top, and in the various slots in the hierarchy. Joining two similar organisations, will only end up in a fight at every slot in the hierarchy for that slot of leadership.
268. If an idea in itself is sound and, thus armed, takes up a struggle on this earth, it is unconquerable and every persecution will only add to its inner strength.
I am not sure about the certainty of the above statement. Some movements do move forward. Others get crushed by the demonic force and cunningness of the opposite team which has felt intimidated. But then, it does seem that there is some external power that does intervene to clear the pathways of some movements.
269. even an occasional truth is only intended to cover a bigger falsification and is therefore itself in turn a deliberate untruth.
Even though Adolf Hitler mentions the above statement with regard to the Jews, the fact is that this is a universal truth in the action of sinister propaganda. I have seen this used in the various shady writings that belittle the English colonialism which existed in a few regions in the Indian Subcontinent. They admit minor positive points of the English rule to lend a feel of accuracy in their rabid canard about the English rule.
270. that every idea and every achievement is the result of one man’s creative force and that the admiration of greatness constitutes, not only a tribute of thanks to the latter, but casts a unifying bond around the grateful..........Personality cannot be replaced; especially when it embodies not the mechanical but the cultural and creative element.
This statement can be true inside most feudal language nations. However, when it comes to pristine-ENGLISH, the experience is quite different. Even though I am too much tempted to mention the personality of Robert Clive in the setting up of the English Empires in some parts of the Indian subcontinent, that real fact is that whoever was running or working in the English Empire, the general taste and feel of the English Empire was the same in all locations everywhere in the world, where native-English persons were involved.
The English Empire showed discrepancies only when the personnel involved were not native-English, but pure Scots, Welsh or Irish.
In the ultimate count, whatever be the quality of the leader in a feudal language social set up, unless he or she has a follower group who are instinctively just like him or her, the quality that he or she proposes will get diluted from the very first step from him or her.
A quality English rule can be set up only by a quality set of English individuals. Instead of that, if an Englishman is to head a lot of non-English feudal speakers, it would require a lot of non-English draconian laws and statutes to enforce a discipline that might be innate and natural to Englishmen.
For in feudal languages, human relationships are differently designed. And the social urges and familial command routes can be quite powerful.
271. All in all, this whole period of winter 1919-20 was a single struggle to strengthen confidence in the victorious might of the young movement and raise it to that fanaticism of faith which can move mountains.
The fanaticism of faith that can move mountains is certainly a great achievement. However, for that to function in a most logical manner, a very logical human arrangement is required in a feudal language. For each slot in the structure can be dismantled or disarrayed by a single word or information. For words have powerful pulling and pushing power in feudal languages.
272. who try to estimate the value of a movement according to the most bombastic-sounding titles,
It is a funny observation, but I need to mention it here. When the English rule got established in the Malabar region in south India, as part of the Madras Presidency, some of the lower castes got a never-before-in-history to improve themselves through English education. These lower castes then started getting into government jobs, which were socially an impossible thing for them in the earlier days. Some of them got directly recruited as officers.
Yet, to get them to run an office was not that easy. For many of their subordinates would be higher castes, and most of the people coming into the offices would be higher castes. In some department, the English government gave a support to the new officer class, by arranging a higher platform for the officer to sit, as if like a king. The height of the platform would be around 1 feet high. The people and the office subordinates are at the ground level.
However, there was this difference. The officers were good in English and hence the members of the public would not be mistreated by lower grade words. And the members of the public were to meet only the officers. They clerks and peons were mere helpers to the officers. This was also a very great insight of the English rulers. They could see that if the members of the public were allowed to meet the local vernacular speaking clerks and peons, they would use degrading word to them.
However, in present-day India, there is practically no difference between an officer and a clerk. Or even with a peon. All of them are at home in the feudal vernacular. And all of them taunt the members of the public.
And lower castes are given ‘officer’ post as per statutory ‘reservation’ to them. Most of these so-called lower castes ‘officers’ do not know English. It then becomes a mere posting of a low-grade person to a high level post. It generally adds to the total disastrous ways and manners of the Indian officialdom.
Now coming back to what Adolf Hitler mentioned, I have to mention what I have noticed. Since around 1975, a new understanding dawned on the government employees. That the common citizens of India are simply dirt, and that the government employees are the only group who are of significance.
All the higher indicant words are now in their possession. And everywhere it is mentioned that the government officials need to be ‘respected’. Even the peon would demand that. For, there is not much of an intellectual difference between an IAS officer (feudal royalty of Indian administration) and his peon.
Both of them know for sure that India got freedom after ‘Gandhi did the Salt Satyagraha in Dandi’ and that the British government was defeated by a ‘great independence struggle’. At the level of a government competitive exam, both the IAS officer and his peon at are the same levels of insipidity.
However, both of them sit quaintly, with no qualms about anything, on the huge administrative set-up created by really dedicated English officials.
What I did notice was the huge and cunning idea to rename all insipid government jobs with resounding titles. I have literally sat through these meetings in my childhood, when each and every official would very callously mention that the Indian public is a donkey.
Official tiles like zonal inspector of registration was changed to Deputy Inspector General of Registration. I cannot mention anything about the quality of the persons who were to occupy these resounding tilted positions.
Small town officials, like the Taluk ‘officer’ were renamed as Assistant Director.
In fact, in current-day India, every government official is a majestic title holder.
During the English rules times, in the English ruled areas, there was a government employee known as the Sanitary Inspector. His job was to check public toilets regularly and private ones during times of any epidemic, to see that they are maintained with the minimum levels of cleanliness.
However, after a few decades after the formation of India, these job holders quietly changed the name of the job to Health Inspector. With this changing, the public sees them as some high grade ‘Inspectors’, and their relatives go around mentioning, ‘He is a Health Inspector!’
With this transformation, the cleanliness of the public toilets in India fell to rock bottom. For, technically now there is no one clearly designated to check the sanitary conditions of the public toilets. The persons statutorily assigned the job will keep a distance from their assigned job, and no one knows about that.
Even the government teachers are ‘Saar’ in many south Indian states. All this, when actually the Constitution of India very candidly has abolished social titles.
Government officials pay, perks and pension are literally a daylight heist. But then no one complains. For, they have been told that everything was robbed from ‘India’ by the English rulers!
274. anyone who fights for forty years for a so-called idea without being able to bring about even the slightest success, in fact, without having prevented the victory of the opposite, has, with forty years of activity, provided proof of his own incapacity.
No comments.
275. The characteristic thing about these people is that they rave about old Germanic heroism, about dim prehistory, stone axes spear and shield, but in reality are the greatest cowards that can be imagined.
Even though, this is Adolf Hitler’s mention of patriotic Germans/Aryans, it is sure that the same words can be used to define many other jingoistic persons in many other nations. Especially those who rave about ancient heritage, pre-dating to thousands of years!
276. For these very reasons the establishment of a strong central power implying the unconditional authority of a Kadership is necessary in the movement.
In feudal languages, there is no meaning in allowing everyone to argue. For, if it is allowed, everyone would argue just to show that they are better than others. Not due to any other intellectual input.
277. The insertion of such an indefinable and variously interpretable concept into the political struggle leads to the destruction of any strict fighting solidarity,
It is not like in English. In English most of the social relationship and statutes are in the form of unwritten conventions. However, in feudal languages, there is a very powerful requirement that everything has to be standardised. Otherwise, due to the spurs in the feudal language, people strive to pull every single item into a different location, just to display their individuality and that they are different, and they are higher than their nearest man.
It may look funny, but then even though the English rulers brought in specific legal codes in feudal language nations like the English Empire in the Indian subcontinent, the whole empire more or less functioned in a more or less similar manner without any hitch. That was only due to the planar quality of the pristine-ENGLISH language.
278. and thus the friendship of these people for our young movement was not only worthless, but solely and always harmful,
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279. For them our principle, ‘Against those who attack us with force we will defend ourselves with force,’ had something terrifying about it.
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280. A man who knows a thing, who is aware of a given danger, and sees the possibility of a remedy with his own eyes, has the duty and obligation, by God, not to work ‘silently,’ but to stand up before the whole public against the evil and for its cure.
I must admit that I should get inspiration from the above words.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
Annotations VOL - 1 - 1 to 11
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