MEIN KAMPF by Adolf Hitler - A demystification!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Annotations VOL - 1 : 170 to 183
170. If beginning today all further Aryan influence on Japan should stop, assuming that Europe and America should perish, Japan’s present rise in science and technology might continue for a short time; but even in a few years the well would dry up, the Japanese special character would gain, but the present culture would freeze and sink back into the slumber from which it was awakened seven decades ago by the wave of Aryan culture.
I do not know for sure. However, I get a gut feeling that there was a very powerful conspiracy inside Japan, as is there in many other Asian nations, to grab the technical skills of English nations. This is a topic that is generally discussed in most Indian business firms, without any qualms. To somehow steal another companies’ technical and business secrets. In fact, this is more easier than creating something new on one’s own.
171. such a race may be designated as culture-bearing,’ but never as ‘culture-creating.’
If the term ‘culture-bearing’ can be used, I think most nations that simply took out, stole or replicated English social, language and administrative systems can be defined by this term. In fact, even the USA can be branded by this usage. It has simply made use all English systems. However, in a mood of exquisite attempted smartness, the USA had no qualms in creating an exact opposite motor vehicle driving route, that is Left-hand driving. Thus creating a confusion in the world. Apart from that it has made a mess in the English by given legitimacy to erroneous spellings and much else.
I am not sure how the Germans define themselves.
172. After a thousand years and more, the last visible trace of the former master people is often seen in the lighter skin colour which its blood left behind in the subjugated race,
Lighter-skins are not really a measure of culture or any kind of superiority. However, I have seen the traces of English culture even in black skinned persons in India, who came from a family background of very close links to English colonial people. In their innate gestures, politeness, posture, simplicity etc. these traces were quite evident. When I asked them their family background, what I suspected was there. But no trace of lighter skin.
173. They shine through all the returned barbarism and too often inspire the thoughtless observer of the moment with the opinion that he beholds the picture of the present people before him, whereas he is only gazing into the mirror of the past.
I have to take this comment away from what Adolf Hitler connected it to. I have seen people mentioning of the great capacities of the Indian people. The postal department, the railways, roadways, the townships, the dams, the educational systems, the medical colleges, administration, the police, the public records maintaining, the army, the fashion designs, the newspapers and much more.
However, to the newer generations who have been schooled of the greatness of India, which they claim as started from some 7000 years back, these are all the present developments of a developing culture. However, the reality is different. All these enumerated items are just the traces of a quality administratorship, which happened to arrive in the subcontinent to create all of these things for the first time in recorded history. The English rule! in a small part of the subcontinent.
174. This mere sketch of the development of ‘culture-bearing’ nations gives a picture of the growth, of the activity, and-the decline-of the true culture-founders of this earth, the Aryans themselves.
Since I do refute the Aryan claims to culture founding, and assign it on the English, I must also say that the English natives always had this problem. That of being on the ceiling. They are on the top. Each time, any of the others including the Indians get a chance to compete with them and defeat them in anything, it is a time for celebration. A sort of ‘we have arrived’ mood sets in.
However, the English remain doomed in the sense that whatever victories they win, it is not a worthwhile one to celebrate. It is like a high-caste celebrating a victory over a low-caste. It doesn’t impress anyone. Rather a mood of dismay sets in. However, if a low-caste man defeats a high-caste man, it is a time for declaring that ‘he has arrived’. There will be festivity in the mood and in the air. However, losing to a lower-caste man is quite a terrible event.
175. the genius rises manifestly from the inconspicuous average child, not seldom to the amazement of all those who had hitherto seen him in the pettiness of bourgeois life-and that is why the prophet seldom has any honour in his own country.
There are many kinds of geniuses. In the case of leadership also, there are people who suddenly show tremendous capacity of leadership. Leadership is just the chance to acquire followers. Once a person has a committed follower who is willing to accept him as a leader, he is a leader. Even an insipid person’s wife can spur the genes of leadership in him.
176. If this hour of trial had not come, hardly anyone would ever have guessed that a young hero was hidden in this beardless boy.
Surely, Adolf Hitler is not speaking of Robert Clive. Yet, the description fits perfectly. Yet, there are others. Like the young English boys who were administering big districts in the areas of the Indian subcontinent ruled by the East India Company. There were some among them who dared to question the Company’s command not to interfere with the ritualistic burning of women on the pyre of their dead husbands.
However, English daring is from the safe location of a planar language background. To be daring when living in a feudal language atmosphere is not just a case of physical and mental courage. But also the capacity to overwhelm the huge and overpowering force of the stifling and degrading hierarchy. Yet, if a young beardless boy was to be placed in a location of power, in feudal languages, he might do great deeds, just to impress others.
And may be for this very simple reason alone.
Higher motives might be lacking. Yet, it must be mentioned that in feudal languages, even a small kid can literally despoil a lower caste higher aged man with a simple word. However, the lower-caste higher-aged man can also do the same to the higher-caste lower-aged boy, if he is given the social power. It is indeed a tussle between two side. One or the other will crush the other side.
In English, the motive to impress others just to take possession of the higher indicant words is not there. For, there are no such words in English.
177. True genius is always inborn and never cultivated, let alone learned.
I am not in a position to make any judgements on the above words by Adolf Hitler.
178. outward recognition is possible only in consequence of accomplished deeds, since the rest of the world is not capable of recognizing genius in itself, but sees only its visible manifestations in the form of inventions, discoveries, buildings, pictures, etc.; here again it often takes a long time before the world can fight its way through to this knowledge.
Yes, it takes time. But not always.
179. the cultures which they found in such cases are nearly always decisively determined by the existing soil, the given climate, and-the subjected people.
Again it is the connection to the ‘Aryans’ in the above sentence that makes it lose its steam. If the mention was about English colonialism, there is a possibility to discuss this theme. However, when proposed as an attribute of the unmentionable ‘Aryans’, there is nothing more to be said. The sentence has no meaning.
180. Without this possibility of using lower human beings, the Aryan would never have been able to take his first steps toward his future culture; just as without the help of various suitable beasts which he knew how to tame, he would not have arrived at a technology which is now gradually permitting him to do without these beasts.
What Adolf Hitler is mentioning is more of the historical experiences of nations other than England. I think it might be true to mention that there was no slavery in England. And that actually English colonialism destroyed social slavery in all nations where they had come to power.
As to the use of animals, well, animals have been used. However, the manner in which animals are treated in feudal languages is a wee bit different from how they are treated in English.
Even the ways dogs are seen in India, is not the way it is seen in England. In the feudal languages of India, the dog is either an ‘it’ or a ‘he’ or ‘she’ of the lowest indicant level. However, in English there is no multiple of levels for ‘he’ and ‘she’. So, the attitude towards a dog is more or less at a higher level.
Even a dead human or an animal, is defined by different hierarchical words in many languages of the Indian subcontinent. A lower-grade man and an animal are assigned a lower word to mean ‘he is dead’. The word ‘dead’ is low-grade. For a higher-level individual, there is a higher word for ‘dead’. These kind of highly defining words have severe effect on the total individuals who are connected to the dead man. It also affects the way the others view the dead man’s relatives, or is indicative of that.
181. Thus, for the formation of higher cultures the existence of lower human types was one of the most essential preconditions,
The above sentence is a typical feudal languages mindset. In that in feudal languages, a lower human being who ‘respect’, ‘venerates’, ‘bows’ and show obeisance is a necessary ingredient for social stature. In fact, it is one of the most essential preconditions. If the lower being try to escape by any means, including conversion to another religion, it become a huge social issue, more or less moving to terrible violence.
182. first culture of humanity was based less on the tamed animal than on the use of lower human beings.
There was no way for Adolf Hitler to know what the first culture among native-English speaking people was. His summarisations could be true in the case of feudal language speakers.
183. As soon as the subjected people began to raise themselves up and probably approached the conqueror in language, the sharp dividing wall between master and servant fell.
Adolf Hitler has approached the issue of language and how approaching the language of the conquerors can lead to breakdown of barriers between the master and servant.
This is a huge theme, and cannot be dealt with at the minor level that has been done by Adolf Hitler.
In feudal languages, approaching or learning the master’s language cannot lead to any breakdown of difference. In fact, I am aware of a huge population which came from outside and became enfeebled socially just learning the native feudal language. Feudal languages are like a military hierarchy and worse. When a new population or person learns a feudal language without being aware of its hidden codes, it is a very dangerous proposition. Once the person understands the language, he or she literally comes under its command lines.
It is like saying: You look here. To the person who doesn’t understand English, it means nothing. However, to the person who understands English, it is a powerful message with a very definite meaning.
Now, when a person learns a feudal language, the sentence can have a more complicated structure. The YOU will have three or more levels. The bottom will be of stinking dirt and the top will be of golden levels. When the new person is addressed thus: ‘YOU (stinking dirt level) look here’, it has a very powerful social meaning. Not only to the addressed person. But to all who hears it.
It is not like learning English. Now, here we come to the issue of the blacks of Africa taken to the New World and sold there by slave traders. Slaves were everywhere in the world, other than some few possible locations like England. Slaves were a living reality in the Indian subcontinent. Yet, there were no statutory writings on slaves or their sale. It was literally done like one sells a cow or other cattle. READ: Slavery in the South Asian Subcontinent
In the Indian subcontinent, slavery is maintained through the language codes. Everyone understands the status co of the slaves without any specific mention that he or she is a slave. The underclass will refuse to sit on a chair, will not sleep on a chair, will be quite grateful to the old discarded dress of the higher classes, and would very well understand that if they address their master call without the requisite ‘respect’, the master class will become soiled.
See this QUOTE from Native Life in Travancore (1883), written by The REV. SAMUEL MATEER, F.L.S.
QUOTE: They are still not allowed to enter any public markets, and hence stand at great disadvantage in selling any little produce they may happen to possess; and consequently are kept in a state of poverty. They are not permitted to build their houses near the public roads; nor are they, as a rule, allowed to avail themselves of the Sirkar ferry-boats to cross swollen rivers.
We have used the phrase “not allowed” throughout, for we can find no written laws by which such privileges are forbidden them. END OF QUOTE
However, when the lucky few slaves were sold in the English speaking locations of the New World, it was not actually slavery for them. It was just a most powerful liberation. They could address their master class by name prefixed with a Mr. or Mrs. or Miss.
They could use words like YOU, He, She, His, Her etc. in the same level that they were addressed and referred to by the master class. The master class also did not have requisite tool in enforce the idea that the slaves were underclass other than by using abusive words. The issue here is that in feudal languages, there is no need to use abusive words. The lower indicant words for YOU, HE, SHE etc. has enough codes to give the message that they are dirt.
So the contentions of Adolf Hitler that when the slaves approach the language of the master class, it would lead to a breakdown of barriers is not true in all languages. Only in planar, and plateau-coded languages like English does this happen.
In feudal languages, if some of the slaves can slowly enter into the higher echelons of the feudal languages, they can even become masters. In fact, there is a continuous history of such a happening in the history of the certain kingdoms in the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent.
There is something that was called the Slave dynasty. The kings used to buy beautiful boys from the Arabian slave markets. Some of them would become very close to the king. Ultimately one of them would become his most favourite.
This affection would slowly lead to a situation whereby when the slave boy grows up into adulthood, he becomes a centre of power in the palace. He would cultivate his own group of followers. When the king dies, he would take over the crown by force.
So Hitler’s contentions about slaves and masters and their links to languages need more deeper study.

IMAGE: Marumakkathaya Thiyyas of North Malabar in the southern parts of the Indian subcontinent. They are mentioned to have arrived on the Malabar Coast from Greece. However, by some cunning means, the local feudal upper classes had them assigned the lower indicant words in the local language. Once this assigning was done, there is no means to escape the powerful social web that forces them into lower-grade, mutually degrading group. Some of them received their first respite in hundreds of years, with the arrival of the English rule in the area.
Over the centuries, this ethnic group bifurcated into the higher class and the lower labour class. That is, higher versus lower You, He, She etc. The above image seems to be of the lower You class. Now they are a mixed blood population, with the the lower You classes having more mixed lineage.
Commentary - Preface to the denuding
Commentary - The ‘Aryan’ ambivalence
Commentary - The mentioned nations
Commentary - Where I stand
Commentary - German, the language
Commentary - Call to arms
Commentary - Born in the wrong place
Commentary - The Good versus the great!
Commentary - What might be lost in the translation!
Commentary - The desecration of ENGLAND!
Commentary - Practical steps to set-up an organisation in a feudal language nation
Commentary - The writing of the book!
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