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An impressionistic history of the
South Asian Subcontinent
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Vol 1 - An ephemeral glance at feudal languages!

43. When the nation surrenders and submits to the feudal language codes

When the nation surrenders to feudal languages and the codes therein, all the efforts and philosophies of the Constitution of India to maintain the social environment in an egalitarian ambience, will go futile.

The strenuously and formally maintained planar form of the social relationship before the administration and judiciary will get pushed out. What would take its place would be a social arrangement that would quite obviously have many layers, one on top of the other, in a design that looks like a pyramid. This is the way both the judiciary as well as the national administration, including the police, would view the people.

Government employment would become quite similar to that of the age-old Janmi system (feudal system of the South Asian peninsular region). That is, big-time feudal upper classes on top. Below them an array of minor upper-classes, and below them, an immensity of their henchmen.

These henchmen can be compared to the current-day police inspector, Assistant sub-inspector, Head constables, Constables &c. and the government office Superintendants, clerks, and peons. The most rough part of the governmental behaviour and attitude is generally received by the common man from them.

At the same time, the individual officials who are above these people would stand far removed from the approach of the common people. A peculiar type of un-touchablilty would block the people from approaching them.

Most of the features of the old-time caste system can be found in the relationship between current-day officialdom and the people.

REV. Samuel Mateer, has very candidly described the terrible content of the caste system in the Travancore kingdom, in his famous book: Native Life in Travancore. If in this description, one side is replaced with current-day government officials and the other side with the common people, then it would be seen that old time caste system more or less continues in the relationship between the government officials and the people.

However, no one can be blamed for these kinds of untouchablity. For, the people are getting arranged as per the design codes inside the language. Each individual would connect and react with others as per the codes attached to the slot, which is assigned to him or her, in the language codes. He or she would behave, interact, react &c. thus. He or she will change from roughness to sweetness, and vice versa, depending on the attachment codes. He or she would terrorise or would exhibit subservience. He or she would demand bribe. He or she would give bribe. He or she would act with discrimination towards the different sections of people. He or she would find salvation in extending ‘respect’ to some persons. Beyond that, he or she would achieve self-satisfaction and profit from exhibiting obeisance.

Languages which have rough and uncouth codes would create rough and uncouth social ambience. There would be some locations inside these rough language systems, where one might get to feel a brief period of refinement and softness. In these minute locations, one would find terrific and celestial beauty in the social ambience. One would fall in love with this loveliness in the brief interspaces. One would feel impelled to proclaim this to others

0. Book profile

1. The introduction

2. Subjective or objective?

3. The personal deficiencies

4. Desperately seeking pre-eminence

5. Feudal languages and planar languages

6. History and language codes

7. The influence and affect on human beings

8. Malabari and Malayalam

9. Word-codes that deliver hammer blows

10. On being hammered by words!

11. What the Negroes experienced

12. Who should be kept at a distance?

13. Word codes which induce mental imbalance

14. Codes of false demeanours

15. Self-esteem and the urge to usurp

16. Urge to place people in suppression

17. The mental codes of ‘Upstartedness’

18. Codes of rough retorts!

19. The diffused personality

20. The spreading of the substandard

21. How the top layer got soiled

22. Government workers and ordinary workers

23. How the pulling down is done

24. The antipathy for English

25. Quality depreciation in pristine-English

26. Dull and indifferent quality of English

27. Unacceptable efficiency and competence

28. Subservience and stature enhancement

29. Codes of crushing and mutilation

30. The essentialness of a servile subordinate

31. The repository of negativity!

32. The craving for ‘respect’

33. The structure of the Constitution of India

34. The situation in Britain

35. The rights of a citizen of India

36. When rights get translated

37. Three different levels of citizenship!

38. How the mysterious codes get disabled!

39. The craving and the urge to achieve

40. A Constitution in sync with native-culture

41. A people-uprising in the history

42. The new ‘higher caste persons’

43. When the nation surrenders

44. The nonsense in academic textbooks

45. The bloody fool George Washington

46. The wider aims of English education

47. Administration in Malayalam

48. Who should ‘respect’ whom?

49. When antique traditions come back

50. The competition among the oppressed

51. The terror of a lower becoming a higher!

52. The battering power of language codes

53. Verbal sounds which create cataclysm

54. The demise of the power of small despots

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