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Software codes of mantra,

tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil eye, evil tongue &c



It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

24 Back to repulsions in touch: Codes of Namaskar

I think I have slightly gone off the pathway. I will come back to our present subject.

In feudal language social communication, negativity is a very powerful part and parcel of it. However, there are some ways to protect oneself from its affliction.

The traditional method was to assign different distances to different levels of caste people. The more distant they are in the hierarchy from the top-most (in the earlier times, it was Brahmins), the more distance was assigned as the statutory distance they had to maintain.

It is like this.

Even though the Brahmins overlords addressed their lower supervisory caste with Nee or Thoo, the denigration becomes more as the step-like denigration moves downward.

It is quite interesting that even between the intermediate castes, very specific distances were mentioned. That these distances have been quantified in number of feet does point to the fact that some kind of understanding of the codes’ numerical values were known in some distant past in direct proportion to the accumulating ‘potential energy’ difference.

There are other ways and means by which this conduction of negativity could be blocked.

In the South Asian subcontinent, over the centuries, a very particular social procedure had been developed to ensure that unnecessary touching by unacceptable people is warded off. This was by Namaskara or Namaskaram. This involves the clasping the hands in a pose of prayer or obeisance or something similar to the other person. And mentioning Namaskara, Namaskar or Namaskaram.

Actually this social greeting behaviour can be interpreted in many ways. Like mentioning that it is a great way to greet a person or a gathering of people. However, in the case of greeting a gathering of people, in English a wave by the hand would suffice, and might even be more egalitarian that the proposed Namaskaram, Namaskara etc.

For even though Namaskaram does give a feeling of being an egalitarian action from an English perspective, in actual fact it is loaded with most despicable of human degradation. Why this is not sensed by the native-English speakers is that they do not know the varying codes of indicant words in feudal languages.

In most of the times when one person mentions and gestures Namaskara to another person, they both are actually standing inside a very huge framework of hierarchical indicant words level difference. This namaskara only helps to reinforce the hierarchical subordination of the lower placed person. I cannot go into the theme in deeper details for it is not in the path of this book’s context, which is to attempt to locate and understand the code view of reality and human attributes. However, I have done some writing on this in my earlier book: Shrouded Satanism in Feudal languages

The unmentioned aim in this mode of greeting is that the persons do not have to touch each other. Even though from an English perspective, it might seem as debased manner of acting, actually from the feudal language perspective, it is perfectly logical and quite healthy. When I mention the word ‘healthy’, I do not in the least allude to physical heath and to germs and viruses relocating from one person to another. The health is connected to the code level numerical values, which do not get a chance to diffuse physically when distances are maintained.

However, even this understanding is wrong. There are more wider implications connected to this.

If two persons of differing levels of indicant word stature shake-hands in a solitary location, where no one sees them, there will be a numerical value diffusion, with one side losing some, and the other side gaining some.

However, if the same handshaking is done in a location where many other discerning people are seeing the action, the numerical value diffusion will be on a more massive scale. This is where one has to understand that people are all connected to each other at the code level arena. Seeing itself is a process of code-work. Sight is a code. Images and moving images are all codes.

The whole action of a lower stature man in a feudal language world shaking hands with a superior stature man as if in a mood of intimacy will get processed by the innumerable codes of sight, vision, images, and video images in the codes of the social ambience as well as that of the innumerable persons who saw the deed.

However, it will not end there. Each of the persons who saw the action will carry the data to various other persons in their links, where the superior person’s codes will be dismantled and reassembled to suit the picture that arrives there. In each of the words for He, His, Him or She, Her, Hers, there will be spontaneous rearrangements.

This will happen in the case of the other man also. His attributes will go up, slightly or fabulously. Depending on with whom he had shook hands. And on various other items, like how deep the relationship was. If it was just a perfunctory one, it can be quite a limited elevation.

The action itself will have its code level attributes. Like if it was just a shaking the hands on the stage with a very powerful personality on the dais, before a gathering of people, who actually understand the whole action as of only transient value.

What is proposed here is that every item in the world of reality can have a code-view of it. If this be true, people living in a feudal language social ambience would do many things to protect their code level attributes or to enhance the numerical values in certain codes or at least to see that no depreciation of numerical values takes-place.

Here the reader should not get a feeling that mantra, tantra, black-magic etc. has relevance and workability only in a feudal language system. No, that is not what is being done here. I am only using the realities of feudal languages communications to try to bring out the theme of there being a code view to reality.

It might be slightly similar to the way Classical Physics used to prove the existence of light waves by using various optical phenomena like diffraction, refraction, reflection, interference etc. In a similar manner, I am just making use of the difference in the manner in which words, usages, sensations, emotions, social phobia etc. affect the code-view of reality in feudal languages, when compared with that in planar language English.


00. Book profile


01. Intro

02. The frill issues

03. The deeper themes

04. Code view, design view & real view

05. The exact danger in social development

06. The fabulous un-detection

07. The machinery of disparaging

08. Lost in translation

09. A hint of the codes behind solid reality

10. Codes of Aiyitham

11. Upward lifting power

12. Codes of ‘respect’

13. The code version view of human beings

14. An observation at a personal level

15. A very powerful experiment

16. Locating the Voodoo-acting location

17. The continuous wobbling

18. The arena of Sensations

19. Words that crush and those that stretch

20. Software codes of Shamanism

21. Other supernatural software items

22. The issue of touching and of un-touch-ability

23. A detour to English colonial administration

24. Back to repulsions in touch

25. A supernatural way to off-set negativity

26. Allusions to the anecdotal black-tongue

27. Metamorphosing into a hermit

28. Back to the eerie realm of Evil Eyes

29. A thing that can provoke the evil eye

30. From my personal experience

31. Detecting an inserted code

32. The viewing angle

33. The Codes of touch

34. Gadgetries of degrading

35. Issue of viewing

36. A clue from the epics of the landscape

37. What bodes ill for England

38. Codes of imagination

39. The slow rattling and the rearrangement

40. Astrology and other divinations

41. Hidden codes in spiritual scriptures

42. The curse of the serpents

43. The ambit of a disaster

44. Nonsensical theories of communication

45. Continuing on the serpent theme

46. Jinxed buildings

47. Jinxed positions around a place of worship

48. The second item: the broken mirror

49. Supernatural codes of building design

50. The spoken word and the effect of pronunciation

51. The Pied-Piper-of-Hamelin capacity

52. The diffusion of numerical values

53. The litmus test of stature codes

54. The working of the breached codes

55. On to the attributes of ‘sensation’

56. Miscellaneous items

57. Decoding bird signs

58. Use of urine, hair, nail, blood etc. in black arts

59. Lucky stones

60. Sleeping positions

61. The proof of the pudding

62. A software based disease treatment system

63. The power of indicant words to redesign

64. The other means to investigate

65. The fabulous ‘n’ word

66. Yantram

67. A warm talisman

68. Computer coding in feudal languages

69. Commentary 1

70. Commentary 2

71. Commentary 3

72. Commentary 4


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