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Software codes of mantra,

tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil eye, evil tongue &c



It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

66 Yantram

The below image is that of an occult item known as Yantram in the languages of the South Asian subcontinent. I am pretty sure that similar items will be there in all geographical locations of the world where occult art is practised. I have taken this image from Omens and Superstitions of Southern India.

It is quite possible that many ‘scientifically’ inclined persons might feel that it is some kind of semi-barbarian artefact written in some tribal wordings. Yet from a software code perspective, it does have the very obvious attributes of a software coding in an unknown language.

Here the word ‘language’ has to be explained. Most computer software languages are generally written in English. Yet, the software languages are not ‘English’. They are something like Pascal, COBOL, C++, Java, ASP, PHP, Java script, Python &c.

I do not in what language the software codes of the Yantram have been written. However, I would try to give some insights. The language of the text is in one of the southern languages of the Subcontinent.

From a very brief cursory perspective, the Yantram is some kind of software apparatus. It could be part of a software Platform, and the language could be something like Python. I am giving these names just for the sake of lucidity. In actual reality, the quality and content of the supernatural software could be of huge contents.

Since I have mentioned the term ‘Platform’, I will try to give a brief definition of a ‘Platform’ from a non-technical perspective. Platform is a combination of a hardware along with some software package. An example would be a computer hardware in which an Operating System like Window 8 is installed and working.

The speciality of the Python language is that it has a lot of pre-built functions in the Python library. That is, a lot of software scripts have already been created for various kinds of functions. The programmer can import the library of these scripts and insert what he or she wants.

The scripts would look very small, even though they are actually representing a huge software script in the Python library.

Yantram could be a specific platform or a language into which a series of function scripts have been encoded.

I do not think that the creation of Yantram is some kind of fake or fraudulent work. It is quite possible that it is based on some kind of expertise. However, the quality of the workmanship can be good or bad. It would depend on the workmanship of the tantric who creates it. It is also quite possible that the workmen who make it or write it might have quite flimsy idea as to what it is, or as to how it really works.

It is just similar to a computer operator like a DTP professional being good in his work, but not knowing anything more about the interior code-level working intricacies of MS Word, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, QuarkXPress &c.

In most probability, the expertise would have passed on through the various generations, at times moving through very low quality people and at times through very high quality populations. As of now, only the workmanship might be in existence. The information of the original machinery that first wrote these scripts would have vanished even before the advent of the most ancient civilisations of whom we have heard of.

Even though the scripts look quite small, each one of them could be just a very brief representation of huge content of supernatural software codes in the ‘library’.

Yantram are used for various purposes, including protection from Evil eye, Black magic etc. My personal information on Yantram is minimal.

I think there is something by the name of ‘thakidu’ (copper sheet) which is also some kind of a Yantram. I did use these from a Muslim Occultist (Thangal) once, to escape from a Jinxed building where I had set-up a business unit. A lot of complexities seemed to ensnare me in a web of strings that I found it quite difficult to detach myself from the building. I do not know if the ‘thakidu’ worked, or simply the strings untied on their own. I mention these things just to note down my personal experiences.

00. Book profile


01. Intro

02. The frill issues

03. The deeper themes

04. Code view, design view & real view

05. The exact danger in social development

06. The fabulous un-detection

07. The machinery of disparaging

08. Lost in translation

09. A hint of the codes behind solid reality

10. Codes of Aiyitham

11. Upward lifting power

12. Codes of ‘respect’

13. The code version view of human beings

14. An observation at a personal level

15. A very powerful experiment

16. Locating the Voodoo-acting location

17. The continuous wobbling

18. The arena of Sensations

19. Words that crush and those that stretch

20. Software codes of Shamanism

21. Other supernatural software items

22. The issue of touching and of un-touch-ability

23. A detour to English colonial administration

24. Back to repulsions in touch

25. A supernatural way to off-set negativity

26. Allusions to the anecdotal black-tongue

27. Metamorphosing into a hermit

28. Back to the eerie realm of Evil Eyes

29. A thing that can provoke the evil eye

30. From my personal experience

31. Detecting an inserted code

32. The viewing angle

33. The Codes of touch

34. Gadgetries of degrading

35. Issue of viewing

36. A clue from the epics of the landscape

37. What bodes ill for England

38. Codes of imagination

39. The slow rattling and the rearrangement

40. Astrology and other divinations

41. Hidden codes in spiritual scriptures

42. The curse of the serpents

43. The ambit of a disaster

44. Nonsensical theories of communication

45. Continuing on the serpent theme

46. Jinxed buildings

47. Jinxed positions around a place of worship

48. The second item: the broken mirror

49. Supernatural codes of building design

50. The spoken word and the effect of pronunciation

51. The Pied-Piper-of-Hamelin capacity

52. The diffusion of numerical values

53. The litmus test of stature codes

54. The working of the breached codes

55. On to the attributes of ‘sensation’

56. Miscellaneous items

57. Decoding bird signs

58. Use of urine, hair, nail, blood etc. in black arts

59. Lucky stones

60. Sleeping positions

61. The proof of the pudding

62. A software based disease treatment system

63. The power of indicant words to redesign

64. The other means to investigate

65. The fabulous ‘n’ word

66. Yantram

67. A warm talisman

68. Computer coding in feudal languages

69. Commentary 1

70. Commentary 2

71. Commentary 3

72. Commentary 4

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