Commentary on
William Logan’s ‘Malabar Manual’

The Jews
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
I am not sure as to what the native-language of the Jew is. It can be Aramaic or Hebrew. And whether they practise their hereditary language/s is not known to me. However, since it is language that holds the traditional culture and mentality of a population, it is possible that they do speak their hereditary language, whatever it is.
It might not be correct to say that the Jews have been cunning. Even though there is something about their language/s that has created some kind of very definite issues about them in various parts of the world.
However, the Jewish leadership did have some innate knowledge about the state of affairs in the subcontinent or at least in the Cochin-Kodungalloor area. When they arrived to settle in the location, they presented themselves from a location of power and prestige. Using this platform, they got the local kings to concede a social position to that was more or less on par with the Nayars of the location. It was very carefully mentioned that the lower castes were under them, and they had to be extended the due servitude by them, in all manners.
The same thing, I think the Syrian Christians also would gather from the ruler of Travancore.
This kind of intelligence very evidently were not made use of by such population groups like the Marumakkathaya Thiyyas and Makkathayatha Thiyyas of north and south Malabar.
This is a very dangerous way of entering into a social system which runs on feudal languages. When entering into a feudal language social ambience, care should be taken to keep a distance from the lower-placed persons. No kind of friendship or common interests should be mentioned. All mention should be of higher-positioned locations. For, verbal codes shift 180° depending on what connection is mentioned or displayed. Never admit that one is capable of great physical feats like climbing a coconut tree. This simple admission can place that person in a gorge.
In the case of the English also, they were actually quite foolish in that they did not take into consideration the very powerful hierarchical layers inside the social system. However, at the same time they had a few very powerful advantages. One was that their own native-language, pristine-English did not have the codes that would create division, envy, backstabbing etc.
It is true that many native-Englishmen did find their personal qualities compromised as they got entangled in personal relationships with the natives of the subcontinent.
The second very powerful item was that they found it quite difficult to learn the local feudal languages, which more or less would sound like animal sounds to a person who is not used to them.
The third quite helpful item was that they were on their own. They could take pre-emptive actions, without having to bother about explaining everything to the people back at home, who literally would not be able to understand what these people were actually facing. There was no democracy to make a mess of a great Company’s endeavours.
The fourth great help was that the English Company directors were based in England. So, that they were in a most egalitarian mood.
All this helped the English Company to save themselves from being slowly and surely downgraded into one of the lower castes of the subcontinent.
There was great gullibility in the endeavours of the native-English. They were bent on improving the stature of the lower castes. It is a very dangerous deed indeed. For, when the lower castes improve, they will have no residue of gratitude left in them after a generation or two. They will become as carnivorous as the higher castes in their verbal codes, and will try to bite the native-English with all display of calibre and skills.
However as of now, all these great advantages are gone in England. The native English are made to get accustomed to the satanic codes of feudal languages. The other side literally enjoys the slow and steady atrophying of the native-English posterity. If very clear understanding the great mutation this is bringing in into the interiors of both the human beings as well as the social system is not there, within a few centuries, the native-English will reach the levels of the lower castes of this subcontinent. That much is for sure.
QUOTE: The Jews and Syrians were by other deeds incorporated in the Malayali nation, and in the second of the Syrians’ deeds it is clear that the position assigned to them was that of “equality with the Six Hundred” of the nad (that is, of the county) END OF QUOTE
This is a very powerful insertion in the Deeds. Only populations that understand the social codes of feudal languages would insist on these things. In native-English nations, where such things are not known, the native-English populations are powerfully heading on to terrible conditions. They have no platform to stand upon as feudal-language speakers from Continental Europe, South America, Africa and Asia rush in and speak English. The fact all of them do have another social and mental demeanour in their own native languages is not understood by the native-English populations.
Some of the native-English react powerfully when they get to experience a terrible kind of degrading that the feudal languages enforce upon them. It can be felt in the eyes, body-language, camaraderie, facial demeanour etc. of the feudal language speakers. In fact, inside the feudal language nations, people do not allow others who might use pejorative word-form or pejorative glances or pejorative body languages, into the close proximity. However, in pristine-English, there is no way to define another person as being a dangerous entity.
When the native-English react to these satanic human degrading for which there is no known defence as of now, it is quite coolly defined as a ‘hate’ behaviour and ‘racism’. The whole ludicrous item in these kinds of definitions is that the native-English side has no means to even claim that something terrible has been done upon them.
In the above-quote, the words “equality with the Six Hundred” is not to be construed as being given superior status comparable to the royalty. At best, it is the stature of the local police constable of present day India. Even though the police constable are at the lowest rung of the India police administration, from the perspective of the common man, they are quite brutally powerful.
QUOTE: There is only one other matter to be pointed out in connection with these deeds. The privileges granted thereby were princely privileges, and that such favours were conferred on foreigners engaged in trade like the Jews and Christians is matter for remark. Such privileges are not usually to be had for the asking, and the facts set forth in this section seem to point to their having been granted END OF QUOTE.
There is indeed some cunning misinterpretations inserted here, naturally by the Nayar writers of this book, Malabar. The privileges of the Nayars are not the privileges of the princes and kings. However, from the perspective of the feudal languages of the subcontinent, they are ‘princely’ for the common folks.
If the ways and manners by which the common man has to behave in front of an Indian police constable is compared with that of England, it might be seen that even the common man in England does not have to display that level of subservience and servitude to even the Monarch of England.
From this sense, the privileges granted are ‘princely’
QUOTE: a hereditary appendage for the time that earth and moon exist—Anjuvannam, a hereditary appendage END OF QUOTE.
Well, it seems that as per the antiquity, these rights are still valid. It is a quote from the Deed signed between King (Perumal) Sri Bhaskara Ravi Varman, and Joseph Rabban.
QUOTE: ; pacudam (T.tribute) is, in the Jewish translation the right of calling from the comers of the street that low castes may retire. END OF QUOTE.
This is the sort of clearing the way for the Hindus (Brahmins) and the higher castes to move through the road. There are different distances at which each different layer of the lower castes should keep themselves from the higher castes. The more down the lower caste is, the more is the distance. Actually these things are directly connected to the physical and virtual code effects of the feudal languages.
The more subordinated a person is, the more ‘respectful’ he or she has to be. For the more lower a caste, the more taller is the pivot they create, on which they can swing or seesaw or carousal the higher castes. For more on this, please check my writing, ‘An Impressionistic history of the South Asian Subcontinent’.
See this QUOTE from Native Life in Travancore by Rev. Samuel Mateer: QUOTE: Pulayars meeting me, cried po, po (“go”) പോ, പോ, and stood still, till I assured them they need not fear me. END of QUOTE
This is one of the cautions the lower castes used to signal the higher castes of their polluting presence.
QUOTE: We have given to Joseph Rabban (the principality) Anjuvannam, along with the 72 Janmi rights, such as (going) with elephants and (other) conveyances, tribute from subordinate landholders, and the possession (or revenue) of Anjuvannam, the light by day, the spreading cloth, the litter, the umbrella, the Vaduca drum (Jews' transl: "drum beaten with two sticks’’), the trumpet, the gateway with seats, ornamental arches, and similar awnings and garlands (charawu, i.e,, T.காவ) and the rest. END OF QUOTE.
Even though the above rights look terrific, they are basically the rights of the supervisor caste or the Nayars. It may be borne in mind that above the Nayars there are the various layers of Ambalavasis and above them, the various layers of the Brahmin caste.
It is similar to the police constables in India being quite powerful over the lower financial private individual. However, above of the layers of the constables, there are the middle-level police officials, viz. the Sub Inspector, the Circle Inspector, and the DySp. Above them are the ‘officer’ class known as the IPS. It starts from the Assistant Superintendant of Police, Superintendent of Police, the Deputy Inspector General of Police, the Inspector General of Police and the Director General of Police.
The majority people of India are under the constables of the Indian police department. They will be addressed and referred to in the most terrible pejorative words of the feudal languages. The people have no complaints about this. For, they are given the adequate training by the government vernacular schools that the common man in the nation are mere low-class beings, quite lower than even the lowest class in the government service.
QUOTE: We also have given to him (the right of) the feast-cloth(?), house-pillars (or pictured rooms ?), all the, revenue, the curved sword (or dagger), and in (or with) the sword the sovereign merchant-ship, the right of proclamation, the privilege of having forerunners, the five musical instruments, the conch, the light (or torch burning) by day, the spreading cloth, litter, royal umbrella, Vaduca drum (drum of the Telugu’s or of Bhairava?), the gateway with seats and ornamental arches, and the sovereign merchant-ship over the four classes6 (or streets), also the oil-makers and the five kinds of artificers we have subjected to him (or given as slaves to him) END OF QUOTE.
See the words ‘given as slaves to him’. It is simply the wording in the local language such as ‘he is coming there to you’ by one boss to another. What is the level of dignity being offered to ‘him’ depends on the word used for ‘he’. If it is ‘avan’, he is literally taken as a lowly servant. If it is ‘Ayaal’, a slight more consideration is given. He can be given a seat to sit down, and the pejorative words of addressing will not be there. However, if the ‘he’ word used in the highest, something like Oru /Avaru/ Adhehem etc., the person would be given the same honour that is reserved for the highest persons.
Now, what has happened here is that a new group of people have come to the land. The native king mentions to them that such as such persons are ‘for you to address in the pejorative and can be used and misused as you like’.
The fact is that these things do matter much in the subcontinent. For instance, I have seen in the Wynad district in north Malabar, the settlers coming from Travancore and treating the forest-dwellers there as their dirty servants. It is there in the verbal codes. No one bothers to question this.
Now, if outsiders go to England, then if the English king or some other authority tell them, that such and such populations are dirt and they can be addressed in the pejorative and used and misused, that would look pretty funny. For pristine-English does not have codes to hold these kinds of cantankerous ideas.
It is into this high quality England that persons who speak such satanic languages are entering. Their very mental disposition is devilish. When they speak or think about another person or persons, the other person or persons are really being encoded with very powerful codes of personality mutation and disarraying.
What is being thought will reflect in the eyes. The eye-language of person who views another person as Inhi/Nee (lowest you), is different from the person who views him as an Ingal/Saar (highest you). The former is highly piercing, personality splintering, looks which can cause very powerful negatively mutations inside the other person’s individuality.
The latter is the view that is offered to those one reveres. It adds to the other person’s personality, positive codes and values. It can cause very powerful positive mutations in his or her internal codes.
These are things that are not known in native-English nations. However some persons, especially the lower-aged as well the persons doing jobs which are defined as lowly in these dirty languages, will feel the tragic mutation. They might go berserk. And the foolish psychologists and psychiatrists who do not know a thing about these things will judge them as having mental problems. Actually, the reality is the exact opposite. They are the few who could detect or sense the terrific degrading mutation that the nation is undergoing.
It is like this. A person goes into a private location in a building and does a biological action that would be too vulgar and dirty if seen by anyone outside. However, someone who is his subordinate did see this action by spying into the room through a hole in the wall.
The first person comes out. He assembles all his subordinates in front of him. When he is looking at the eyes of each on them, there is no problem. However, when he looks into the eyes of the person who has viewed his private vulgarity, he would see a different tone in the eyes. It is that, that person’s brain has entered into a very deeper location with regard to him. And has processed him with that information.
The same is the case with the feudal-language speaker in England. He has measured each of the native citizens using his own language codes. He has seen that many of them of younger-age, and lesser-positioned jobs are of the mere ‘eda’, ‘edi’, ‘Inhi’, ‘Nee’, ‘oan’, ‘oalu’, ‘avan’, ‘aval’ &c. levels in his own language coding. This is making a piercing entry into the very vitals of the native-English individual.
He or she has no defence against this. For, if a defence against this had been available in the South Asian subcontinent, the lower castes would have used it to protect themselves.
The native English individual will naturally have some kind of repulsiveness when in the presence of such individuals. This is one of the real reasons for the emotion called ‘racism’. However, there is another content also in it. That I might mention later.
1. My aim
5. The first impressions about the contents
7. An acute sense of not understanding
8. Entering a terrible social system
9. The doctoring and the manipulations
10. What was missed or unmentioned, or even fallaciously defined
12. Nairs / Nayars
15. Content of current-day populations
16. Nairs / Nayars
18. The terror that perched upon the Nayars
20. Exertions of the converted Christian Church
23. Keralolpathi
24. About the language Malayalam
25. Superstitions
26. Misconnecting with English
27. Feudal language
29. Piracy
31. Slavery
32. The Portuguese
33. The DUTCH
34. The French
36. Kottayam
37. Mappillas
38. Mappilla outrages against the Nayars and the Hindus
40. What is repulsive about the Muslims?
41. Hyder Ali
42. Sultan Tippu
43. Women
45. Ali Raja
46. Kolathiri
47. Kadathanad
48. The Zamorin and other apparitions
49. The Jews
51. Hinduism
52. Christianity
53. Pestilence, famine etc.
54. British Malabar versus Travancore kingdom
55. Judicial
56. Revenue and administrative changes
57. Rajas
58. Forests
59. Henry Valentine Conolly
60. Miscellaneous notes
61. Culture of the land
62. The English efforts in developing the subcontinent
63. Famines
64. Oft-mentioned objections
65. Photos and pictures of the Colonial times
66. Payment for the Colonial deeds
67. Calculating the compensation