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Commentary on
William Logan’s ‘Malabar Manual’
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
An acute sense of not understanding

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!


The very first item that comes to notice is that the native-English side does not understand the peoples of Malabar or of the south-Asia. They see a lot of social and personal behaviours. They see people and individuals acting bizarrely, reacting to un-understandable triggers, and oscillating between totally opposite character features. Persons, who can be defined as gentlemen and quite refined and well-mannered, suddenly turning into brutes of the highest order.

A lot of similar behaviour attributes can be mentioned and listed here. However, I hope to mention them contextually in this writing.

Now, what is this un-see-able and non-tangible item that seems to be infecting everything and everyone here?

What is the real logic behind the so-called caste-based repulsions that literally makes a very good quality person cringe from the presence of individuals who are defined as of the base standards?

There are a huge number of English-colonial writings about the various facets of the subcontinent and its peoples. However, none of them seems to have even focused on this issue with the importance it deserves. Even though I would like to say that no native-Englishman or native-Brit of those times have detected the real cause of this social negativity, I cannot do so.

For, I have seen Lord Macaulay, in his Minutes on Indian Education, make a very solitary word allusion to this issue. He has detected the visible features of this issue. But did not go deeper.

In this book, Malabar, there is a very significant mention of William Logan also detecting the issue, but more or less leaving it at that point. And not taking any effort to go beyond and find the inner contents of this information.

The hidden issue is a simple item. The languages of the sub-continent are feudal languages. The term ‘feudal language’ I have used over the years since around 1990, to define languages which do not have planar codes. However this verbal usage (feudal language) can be outdated. For, I have as of now, come to have a deeper information on this item.

Pristine-English is a planar language. I stress the word ‘pristine’.

In pristine-English, in common communication, there is only one You, Your, Yours. Only one He, His, Him, She, Her, Hers &c.

In languages which I mention as ‘feudal languages’, there are an array of words for these basic words of addressing and referring. These array of words are not synonyms as understood in English. The array of words stands in a vertical hierarchy. Each level connects to a lot of other words and hierarchies, routes and direction of command, and also to levels of positional or social honour or nondescript-ness.

Each form of word is terrifically important. For, language is the software that designs a social system. An individual can get terrifically pulled and pushed apart when word forms are changed.

In fact, the whole content of acrimonious behaviour inside feudal language nations is due to the terrific competition to acquire a comfortable word-code in the social sphere.

This is an information that native-English nations do not have. In fact, when immigrants from other social systems arrive, the event should actually be treated more seriously than when an astronaut returns from a space journey. The astronauts used to be kept in a quarantine for a few days to check if they had come back infected by any extraterrestrial disease.

In the same manner, the immigrants to native-English nations have to be studied for dangerous language codes inside their mind. For, mind is a very powerful machine. And if the brain-software runs on a feudal language software, then it would infect the native-English nation. The native-English can go berserk and become homicidal.

I have personally tried to inform the terrors connected to feudal languages both inside India as well as in the native-English nations. However in both locations, there have been terrific efforts to block my efforts.

Inside India, the effort has been to block all attempts at anyone discussing this issue. As to native-English nations, since the IT world is literally filled up by persons from the feudal language social systems, they simply delete my words or block me from writing. If at all I do make a comment, it is deleted in such a manner that I get to see my comment, but it is invisible to others.

Moreover, my writings have been generally defined as ‘hate-speech’ in my online locations inside the US, GB and Australia. For it seems to bring out an information that is least liked by the population groups who claim to be the victims of native-English racism. I have had incidences wherein even the Continental Europeans do not want to have this item mentioned.

A couple of days back, I made the following comment from another UserName of mine in a Youtube comment.

It was about a lady film makeup artist mentioning that she had been abused verbally in a resort in a hill-station in the local state. The exact trigger point was not abusive words as understood in English. It was words such as Nee, Edi, Ninthe, Aval, Avalude etc. Nee is the lowest level of You. Using that word to a customer who is residing in the resort by the resort staff can be of the highest order of abuse. But then, in an English translation of the dialogue, the astronomically dangerous levels of abuse will not get translated.

My comment was this:

ഇവിടെ പ്രത്യേകമായി കാണുന്ന കാര്യം തരംതാഴ്ന്ന വാക്ക് പ്രയോഗങ്ങളാണ്.

നീ, എടീ, അവൾ, അവൻ തുടങ്ങിയ വാക്കുകൾ.

ഈ വിധ കാര്യങ്ങൾ ഫ്യൂഡൽ ഭാഷകളുടെ സവിശേഷതകളാണ് എന്ന് വായിച്ച് കാണുന്നു. വളരെ പ്രകോപനം നൽകുന്ന വാക്കുകളാണ് ഇവ. പറഞ്ഞ് തുടങ്ങിയാൽ പിന്നെ എന്തും പറയാം.

archive dot orgൽ ഫ്യൂഡൽ ഭാഷയെപ്പറ്റി ഉള്ള ഒരു മലയാളം എഴുത്ത് ശ്രദ്ധയിൽ പെട്ടിരുന്നു.

മാത്രവുമല്ല, പോലീസുകാരെ വിളിക്കേണം എന്നെല്ലാം പറയുന്നത് തനി വഡ്ഢിത്തമാണ്. പോലീസുകാരുടെ പെരുമാറ്റവും വാക്കുകളും തറനിലവാലത്തിലുള്ളതായിരിക്കും.

വനിതാ പോലീസുകാർ നീ, എടീ എന്നൊക്കെ വിളിച്ചാൽ യാതോരു രീതിയിലും പ്രതികരിക്കാൻ ആവില്ല. പ്രതികരിച്ചാൽ, മഖത്ത് അടിവീഴും.


Here what is very clearly seen is the use of lower grade word-forms: Nee, Edi, Aval, Avan etc.

These kinds of words are seen mentioned as the special features of the language. These are words which can create terrific provocations. Once these words are assigned to an individual, then literally any abusive words can be used about the individual.

A specific writing in Malayalam about this issue is seen on archive dot org.

Beyond that the lady is seen here as mentioning that she had asked to call the police. This can be a totally stupid and dangerous action. The verbal codes used by the police can be more terrible and abusive.

If the female constables come, they would most naturally use the words 'Nee', 'Edi' etc.

There would be no scope to react to this in a decent manner. If she tries to react or retort to this abusive words from the Indian police, she will be given solid slaps. End of translation

The comment section of the Youtube video was literally littered with totally abusive words in Malayalam. Some commenters addressed her as Nee and Edi. There are persons referring to her as Aval and some do even mention her as some kind of loose and wanton woman.

Some persons focus on the black colour of her skin and mention abusive words. The issue here is that she understands Malayalam. If the black-skinned former president of the US’ daughters can understand Malayalam, there is no doubt that they will also be defined in similar mean words and definitions. Literally calling her a monster because of her black skin colour.

There are comments that have posted links to other videos and sites. All these things are there.

However, my comment was seen deleted almost immediately that I had posted it. These kinds of experiences are there in plenty in India.

Now before moving ahead I would like to mention a small part of the huge verbal machinery that actually has worked.

Since it is a huge framework, I cannot go into the very beginning of the machine work.

This woman artist has been abused verbally, that is lower-grade You, She etc. used upon her, because her film world seniors would have given the go-ahead to the hotel staff in most subtle manner. They would not have to go and tell them to be disrespectful to her. All that they have to do is to mention her and refer to her as Aval (lowest grade She/Her/Hers), along with a body-language and facial expression to emphasis her lower stature, to the hotel staff. They will pick up from there.

Now, why should her film world staff want her to be snubbed? That is the exact crucial focal point that has to be understood. For, on this stands a huge understanding on why the local native kings and other rulers of this subcontinent loved to be under the English rule, and not under any other native-rulers. I will explain that point later in a more clear manner.

In the context of this female mentioned above, there would be always tugs of war between others in the verbal codes in Malayalam. As to who is ‘Nee’ and who is ‘Ningal’ and who is ‘Maadam’. These are the various levels of You in Malayalam for a female. In almost all communication, one side can get snubbed. However, many persons take this in their stride if it is from an acknowledged senior or someone who can help.

In the case of others, they carry a grudge. They moment they get a chance to snub or degrade the other, they will use it. The social system is literally strewn with such boiling grudges.

I had experienced a lot of acrimonious and quite sly blocks when my writings mention ‘feudal languages’ in British, US and Australian media websites. Many have blocked me forever.

In the last thirty years or so, the entry of feudal-language speakers from Continental Europe, South America, Asia and Africa into native-English nations have become a sort of torrent. People who experience native-English social systems find their own social systems quite abhorrent. However, their entry into native-English social systems has brought in the problems inherent in feudal languages.

However no one mentions what this is. Instead these cunning immigrants who speak feudal languages write huge articles on what is wrong with their new nations of domicile and mention so many corrective measures. However, the fact remains that it they themselves who are problem inside the native-English nation.

A couple of weeks or so back, I found one such article. There were so many ravishing comments literally applauding the contents, which gave so many corrective measures.

I simply posted this comment:

QUOTE: The nation is dealing with an unknown and un-understood item.

And that is the entry and spread of feudal languages, in the soft planar language (English) social system.

Even though inside feudal language nations, there are well-understood social and mental barriers and corridors to protect oneself from the sharp poking effects of feudal language word codes, inside GB, USA, Australia etc. there are practically no such protective shields. People, especially the younger aged and the persons who are defined as doing lower jobs, will be terribly affected.

People can go berserk or mentally ill.

Actually this issue had been observed by Edgar Thurston way back in the 1800s. However, he did not understand the machinery that created the inclination to insanity. END OF QUOTE

After some time, when I checked, I found that the comment was visible to me, when I log into the website. However, when I enter the website from any other location, my comment is invisible.

This much for the great inputs of these immigrant folks into native-English nations. They, who cannot bear to live in their own nations as a ordinary citizen, are giving great ideas to improve native-English nations, which by their very presence and speech, they are atrophying.


Commentary                MMVol 1               MMVol 2

Book Profile

1. My aim

2. The information divide

3. The layout of the book

4. My own insertions

5. The first impressions about the contents

6. India and Indians

7. An acute sense of not understanding

8. Entering a terrible social system

9. The doctoring and the manipulations

10. What was missed or unmentioned, or even fallaciously defined


12. Nairs / Nayars

13. A digression to Thiyyas

14. Designing the background

15. Content of current-day populations

16. Nairs / Nayars

17. The Thiyya quandary

18. The terror that perched upon the Nayars

19. The entry of the Ezhavas

20. Exertions of the converted Christian Church

21. Ezhava-side interests

22. The takeover of Malabar

23. Keralolpathi

24. About the language Malayalam

25. Superstitions

26. Misconnecting with English

27. Feudal language

28. Claims to great antiquity

29. Piracy


31. Slavery

32. The Portuguese

33. The DUTCH

34. The French


36. Kottayam

37. Mappillas

38. Mappilla outrages against the Nayars and the Hindus

39. Mappilla outrage list

40. What is repulsive about the Muslims?

41. Hyder Ali

42. Sultan Tippu

43. Women

44. Laccadive Islands

45. Ali Raja

46. Kolathiri

47. Kadathanad

48. The Zamorin and other apparitions

49. The Jews


51. Hinduism

52. Christianity

53. Pestilence, famine etc.

54. British Malabar versus Travancore kingdom

55. Judicial

56. Revenue and administrative changes

57. Rajas

58. Forests

59. Henry Valentine Conolly

60. Miscellaneous notes

61. Culture of the land

62. The English efforts in developing the subcontinent

63. Famines

64. Oft-mentioned objections

65. Photos and pictures of the Colonial times

66. Payment for the Colonial deeds

67. Calculating the compensation

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