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Codes of reality!

What is language!

Permissions and lies

Family is a unit, just as a business organisation is a unit. One of the partners, wife or husband, is given something to be placed inside the family without the other partner’s knowledge. If he or she does it, a particular amount of lie code gets encoded into the item that has entered the family unit. It is a negative input, which can act as a sort of Trojan, waiting for an opportune moment to create havoc inside the family’s unity, tranquillity and harmony. 

Suppose something is given to the wife by a person who is inimical to the husband. Now, what is the status of this object? Can it be taken and utilised by the wife, understanding that it is a helpful thing, like money, home appliance, tool, dress etc? Well, the answer is that if she is able inform her partner about the gift, and he gives his permission, well, then the negative direction of the codes gets blunted.

Moreover, the very fact that permission has been given remoulds the codes to beneficial components. Otherwise, this object can remain as an explosive item. For a lie has been encoded into it. A lie is a sort of very negative code. For, it actually contains links to many negative locations, from where powerful powers enter into the family.

A person inside any unit such as family, business etc. taking money from other competing units is really allowing himself or herself to be linked to those external units. Disloyalty is rampant in such transactions. 

Well, this negative encoding of lies can affect many human partnerships, including business partners, husband-wife, parent-children, intimate friends and such.

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