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Codes of reality!

What is language!

Being tossed around in the indicant word array

Some children when they are admitted into school for the first time go in for a terrible bout of crying and screaming. In India, many children would cry and scream, and try to hold on to their parents. The teachers then would hold the kid till the parents move away.

As far as Indian situation is concerned, there is a bit of the indicant word issue in this.

The child is in the lower indicant level in connection to its parents. Yet, it is like the feudal lord-serf link. It is a link of affection and love, and dependence. In that lower arena, the child is quite comfortable and happy. Now, when it is taken to the school for the first time, it is being suddenly dislodged from this comfy arena and literally positioned into the lower indicant word level arena of other feudal masters. It is a sort of complete delinking from all its other virtual code links.

It is a terrible dislocation, for suddenly all props are removed. The child is now literally in a place where the new feudal masters (the teachers) can place it anywhere in the lower indicant level arena. The very fact of being in the lower indicant word arena is itself a horrible experience. For, it is in an area where there is no ‘respect’.

However in English also, there can be similar feelings. For, it is all connected to the web-like links, to which the child had been connected. Suddenly, for the first time in his or her life, a de-linking and attachment to new links is being done. Sudden voids can be felt. This is what might be causing the outbursts.

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