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Codes of reality!

What is language!

Encoding physical contortion as well as personality development in languages

There is a strange sort of treachery encoded in feudal languages, which cannot be replicated in languages like English. To explain this, let me say that it is sheer impossible to get the same effect as one can get when using different indicant words in feudal languages.

For example, during the British period of rule in Malabar (a district in the erstwhile Madras state, South India) a thiyya (lower caste) man goes to work in a higher caste person’s house. He is thus told by the young boy in the higher caste house: You go and get two coconuts from the yard.

Or he is told thus: Kitta, go and sit there.

In English, there is no sense that he is has been discriminated against, or has been snubbed, or in any manner put into a negative position.

However, the same sentences, in reality would be thus: Kitta, nee (lowest You) -------; for both sentence. The usage of name by a youngster to an elder is in itself an insult. Moreover, the youngster is using the word Nee, which is again highly snubbing, insulting, derogatory and physically contorting. For there are other words of more respect such as Ningal, Thangal, Chettan and many more.

Now the fact is that even Kittan may not have any feelings of degradation over this, as he is used to the degradation since birth. Whatever physical contortion that the lower indicant words can do has already had their effect on him.

If the same Kittan is going to an English household of that time, in Malabar, he would not be treated with equality for he is just a native of the Madras state. But then, the English household would not have any equivalent usages to bring about the same degradation through words and usages. The usages of You, He, Him etc. and even name would not be degrading. In fact, this Kittan would show remarkable personality development if he can chance to work in that English household for long.

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