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Codes of reality!

What is language!

An outlandish experiment

One of the greatest experiments that I did was with my own children. This experiment was done by bringing them up in total English, living among vernacular speaking people. It was my contention that this could bring in many positive changes in them. Not only be teaching them only English, but also by not allowing vernacular speaking persons to speak to them in vernacular.

What I did experience was not just connected to my own children, but to a lot of other social triggers, as I stood on a different frequency with that of the others around. In my life, I have seen that if one flows along with the tide or the flow, one chances to see only things that all others also see. But if one strives to hold on against this tide and flow, then what one comes to see is not only what others happen to see and experience, but also others things which others cannot get to experience.

For, they flow with the tide, while the odd one gets to see others things also, as they come to hit or come from the rear. The perspective is different. The items are different. The experience is different.

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