Vintage English

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Poem - On the banks of Allen Water

On the banks of Allen Water
When the sweet springtime had fled
Was the miller’s lovely daughter
Fairest of them all.
For his bride, a soldier sought her
And a winning tongue had he
On the banks of Allen Water
So misled was she.
On the banks of Allen Water
When the autumn spread its store
There I saw the miller’s daughter
But she smiled no more
For the summer, grief had brought her
And the soldier, false was he
On the banks of Allen Water
Left alone was she.
On the banks of Allen Water
When the winter snow fell fast
Still was seen the miller’s daughter
Chilling blew the blast.
But the miller’s lovely daughter
Both from cold and care was free
On the banks of Allen Water
In a grave lay she.
On the banks of the Clyde
On the banks of the Clyde stood a lad and a lassie
The lad's name was Gordie the lassie's was Jane
She threw her arms around him and cried do not leave me
For Geordie was going for to fight for his queen
She gave him a lock of her bright auburn tresses
He kissed her and pressed her once more to his heart
Till eyes spoke the love that her lips could not utter
The last word is spoken they kissed and depart
Over the burning plains of Egypt
Under the scorching sun
When he thought of the stories he'd have to tell
His love when the fight was won
He treasured with care that dear lock of hair
For his own darling Jenny he prayed
But his prayers were in vain she will ne'er see him again
Her lad in the Scotch brigade
Now the ocean divided the lad from his lassie
And Gordie was forced far away o'er the foam
His roof was the sky and his bed was the desert
But his heart with his Jenny was always at home
Now the morning that dawned on that famed day of battle
Found Gordie enacting a true hero's part
Till the enemy's bullet came into his billet
And it burned, oh, that dear lock of hair on his heart
Over the burning plains of Egypt
Under the scorching sun
When he thought on the stories he'd have to tell
His love when the fight was won
He treasured with care that dear lock of hair
For his own darling Jenny he prayed
But his prayers were in vain she will ne'er see him again
Her lad in the Scotch Brigade
On the banks of the Clyde dwelt a heart-broken mother
They told her of how the great victory was won
But the glory of England to her brought no comfort
For glory to her meant the loss of her son
But Jenny is with her to comfort and shield her
Together they'll weep and together they'll pray
And Jenny her daughter will be while she lives
For the sake of the lad who died far away

Author: Somerset Maugham
On the banks of Allen Water,
On the banks of Clyde
Excerpt: Magnus in The Apple Cart
Emancipation of slaves
Scientist: Sir. Isaac Newton
Geo discoverers: Captain James Cook
Film: The bridge on River Kwai
Actress: Vivien Leigh
Battle: Jameson Raid
Incidence: Nelson’s death
Popular songs: Jingle Bells
Place: Rocks of Gibraltar