Writings from the English-rule period in some locations in South-Asia!
The ENGLISH-rule in the sub-continent
The following are books written during the erstwhile English-rule period in South Asia. Some of them are about the English rule itself.
There are a few issues with these books. One is the very wording ‘British-India’. In those days, England was ruling not only the English Empire, but Great Britain also.
What took place in the Subcontinent was essentially an ‘English rule’ and not a ‘British-rule’, per se. The basic input in this regard is that England was a planar-language nation, while the Celtic languages could be feudal languages.
The second item for mention is the word ‘India’. This word has become a terrible misnomer in various locations, due to the fact that a new nation called ‘India’ was created in a portion of the very location which is generally mentioned as ‘British-India’. The new India consisted of only a portion of ‘British-India’.
At the same time, it did attach to itself various locations inside the subcontinent, which were not part of British-India, but rather independent kingdoms, all of which had attached themselves to British-India in an unofficial manner. This voluntary attaching was to feel and experience the superb administrative, social and intellectual climate, based on pristine-English, that was there inside British-India. However, these nations were independent kingdoms. Not part of British-India.
The next point to note is that at least some of the writers here, even if they are well-disposed towards the English rule, or inclined to view it favourably, did not really posses certain crucial information on what was the real erroneous code that was running riot inside the subcontinent. It was the presence of feudal languages in the various social systems in the land.
This information is something which cannot be understood in English. Lower-level human beings and populations literally get suppressed and deformed as per the slot they are forced into, in the language codes.
Human and animal personality can be atrophied by these languages, if used in a very callous manner. If these languages enter into any English location or nation, they can spread the same terrible disarraying of population and individuals. These terrible languages can literally splinter a social system, if it is an English social system - leading some of the very placid individuals to terrible mental trauma and provocation.
The next point for elaboration is that in many of the books here, the writings might convey an impression of a nation called ‘India’ or a nationality called ‘Indians’. This is the not the actual truth. The subcontinent was actually like a huge geographical location, in which different kingdoms existed from times immemorial in a state of constant mutual belligerence. At the same time, inside each kingdom also, the population was not one or two, but a series of populations connected to various locations on the globe via ancestry, arranged in some kind of terrific hierarchy.
This hierarchy was not something that can be understood in English. For, the feudal languages do the customising of the hierarchy structure. Different populations are terribly mean and menacing to each other. The higher populations try their best to browbeat the lower ones into subjugation and slavery. At the same time, they lend reverence and servitude to those above them.
The next item to mention here is that the various wars and battles that the English company had to wage with the local rulers are not to be seen as an attack on ‘Indians’. There were no Indians available then.
The wars and battles were with the rulers who in most circumstances were rascal and scoundrels in their attitude towards the suppressed populations in their kingdoms. When a better population came to the scene, it is no wonder that most of the local populations either in haste or over time, shifted their loyalty and devotion to them.
It is the people who supported the English rule. So all those histories which speak about the rulers, kings and ‘emperors’ of ‘India’ being defeated or displaced or dislodged by the English company, are actually talking nonsense, if the aim is to mix them up with the populations of the subcontinent. These rulers actually do not represent any nation or country. They were merely individuals who had some kind of satanic control of the populations therein.
Kings and Queens and other small time rulers are merely individuals, who do not really represent the peoples or their aspirations at all. If they have been disposed by the English rule, it was what the people of those times wished for.
The next item for mention is the word ‘Hindu’ / ‘Hindoo’ generally seen mentioned in these writings in abundance. It was a mistaken notion spread through these writings that all the peoples and populations in South Asia, who were not Muslims or Christians could be Hindus. Actually the Hindu religion is the Brahmin religion. The others were not Brahmins or Hindus, even though many persons did aspire for this definition. It was only around the middle part of the 20th century that all the other aspiring and non-aspiring populations of SouthAsia became Hindus or got declared officially as Hindus.
In all these writings, by native-English and native-Brit writings, there could be one major insight missing. There were a huge number of populations in the various kingdoms in the subcontinent who had been literally waiting for the arrival of the English flag, to save them from the satans who had enslaved them. Describing and defining these satans as their rulers or kings or as their royalty etc. would make these words and usages totally meaningless. Enslavers and slave-masters cannot be called kings and rulers. A few of the pictures of the real suppressed populations of the land can be seen on this link.
I would say that if the readers can go through my own writings about these events, which can be found on this link, it would be much useful. For, it would create a real background to the various information that are there in these books.
1. Malabar Manual by William Logan
along with commentary! Digital book version
2. Native life in Travancore by Rev Samuel Mateer
along with commentary! Digital book version
3. Castes and Tribes of Southern India Vol-1 by Edgar Thurston
along with commentary! Digital book version
4. Omens and Superstitions of Southern India by Edgar Thurston
5. A report on the system of Megpunnaism Or The murder of indigent parents for their young children (who are sold as slaves) by Major W.H. Sleeman
Digital book version
6. On Taxes or Public Revenue, The ultimate incidence of their payment, their Disbursement and the seats of their Ultimate Consumption by Sleeman
7. Ramaseeana or A vocabulary of the peculiar language used by the Thugs by W H Sleeman.
8. Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official 1809 - 1850 Vol 1 & 2 by William H Sleeman. READ Online
9. Report on the Depredations committed by the Thug Gangs of Upper and Central India by Major Sleeman
10. The British army in India: Its preservation by Julius Jeffreys,F.R.S., Formerly Staff-Surgeon of Cawnpore, and Civil Surgeon of Puttengurh
11. British Government in India - The story of Viceroys and Government Houses by The Marquis Curzon and Governor General of India
12. The English People Overseas - British India 1600 - 1828 by A. Wyatt Tilby
13. British India by R.W. Frazer, LLB, I.C.S., Lecturer in Telugu and Tamil University College and Imperial Institute
14. British India, Its races, and its history, considered with reference to the mutinies of 1857 Vol - 1 by John Malcolm Ludlow, Barrister-at-Law
15. British India, Its races, and its history, considered with reference to the mutinies of 1857 Vol 2 by John Malcolm Ludlow, Barrister-at-Law
16. The history of British India, Vol 2 by James Mill, Esq. and Horace Hayman Wilson, M.A., F.R.S
17. The history of British India, Vol 3 by James Mill, Esq. and Horace Hayman Wilson, M.A., F.R.S
18. The history of British India, Vol 6 by James Mill, Esq. and Horace Hayman Wilson, M.A., F.R.S
19. British rule in India – A historical sketch by Harriet Martineau
20. British Work in India by R.Carstairs
21. Stories of British Heroes in India by Edward Gilliat
22. British rule and British Christianity in India by Joseph Kingsmill, M.A.
23. Climate, Medical Topography of British India by F.N.MacNamara, M.D., F.R.G.S.
24. Lord Clive - the Conqueror of India by Wolf H. Harness
25. Builders of Greater Britain Edited by H. F. Wilson, M.A.
26. Codification in British India by Bijay Kisor Acharyya, B.A, (Cal), LL.B. (Edin.)
27. Dupleix and the struggle for India by the European nations by Colonel G. B. Malleson
28. Easy lessons in Indian history by E. Marsden, B.A., F.R.G.S., F.R.L.S., F.R.H.S
29. Empire-builders by the Rev. W.K. Stride, M.A.
30. Encyclopaedia of Indian Rulers - Lord Clive by Sir William Wilson Hunter
31. Handbook to the Ferns of British India, Ceylon and Malay Peninsula by Colonel R.H. Beddome, F.L.S
32. The Flora of British India Part 1 by J. D. Hooker, C.B Digital Book
33. Forestry in British India B. Ribbentrop,C.I.E., Inspector-General of forests to the Government of India
34. Fort William - India House Correspondence Edited by H.N. Sinha, M.A., Ph.D.
35. Heroes of the Indian Empire ; Or, stories of valour and victory by Ernest Foster.
36. Historical Essays of Thomas Babington Macaulay
37. History of British India by Hugh Murray, Esq., F.R.S.E.
38. India under British rule - from the foundation of the East India Company by J. Talboys Wheeler, late assistant-secretary to the government of India, foreign department, and late secretary to the government of British Burma.
39. Bengal in 1756-1757 - a selection of public and private papers dealing with the affairs of the British in Bengal during the reign of Siraj-uddaula. Edited by S. C. Hill
40. Records of Fort St. George - Letters from Fort St. George - 1759
41. Records of Fort St. George - Letters to Fort St. George - 1756
42. The life of Lord Clive by Sir George Forrest, C.I.E.
43. Lord Clive and the Establishment of the English in India By Colonel G. B. Malleson, C.S.I
44. The works of Lord Macaulay - complete - Vol. 1
45. The works of Lord Macaulay - complete - Vol. 2
46. The works of Lord Macaulay - complete - Vol. 3
47. The works of Lord Macaulay - complete - Vol. 4
48. Pharmacographia Indica - A history of the principal Drugs of vegetable origin met with in British India - Part 3 - by William Dymock, C.J.H. Warden and David Hooper
49. Macaulay’s Minutes on Indian Education
50. The Munro system of British statesmanship in India by K N. Venkatasubba Sastri
51. A narrative of the political and military transactions of British India, under the administration of the Marquis of Hastings -1813 to 1818 – by Henry T. Prinsep, of the Hon. East India Company’s Civil Service, Bengal
52. The Parliaments of England from 1st George I to the present time - Vol 2 - by Henry Stooks Smith
53. Bengal Historical Records. Proceedings of the Select Committee at Fort William in Bengal 175. Edited by Walter K. Firminger, B.D, F.R.G.S
54. The three Presidencies of India: Digital Book
A history of the rise and progress of the British Indian possessions, With an account of their government, religion, manners, customs, education, Etc. Etc.
By John Carper, F.R.A.S, Late Editor of the Ceylon Examiner.
55. Slavery in British India by D. R. Banaji
Digital book