Tribulations and intractability of improving others!!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Who should rule?
01. Sieving the English social platform
Then who should rule? Well, it would be quite preposterous to say that I should rule. For, it is not that kind of atrocious discussion that is done here. Well, then who should rule here? It is my considered view that the geographical area currently known as Pakistan, India and Bangladesh should be ruled by the English Royal family, with statutory officials as viceroys. But not by someone from any feudal language nations. And definitely not by democratic processes.
As to such rule leading to absolutism, well, safeguards can be kept in position. And there are inherent checks and balances in the English language. [READ: MARCH of the EVIL EMPIRES – Chapter : Nations]. No man will have absolute powers. For, he or she cannot grow beyond the parameters of English words and usages. For, there are no relative heights and depths in English words. No man can exist beyond the limits of another citizen’s purview.
I am sure that many ‘educated’ Indians would find this proposition quite preposterous. They, if they are rich or of the official class would attack it vehemently till they or their children get a visa to remove themselves to some English nation. I am totally against allowing such persons and their offspring into English nations. Once they are there, they would take up the new issue of racial discrimination. I would say that racial discrimination on them is too soft an attitude. For, they are the bearers of feudal language codes that can putrefy human dignity.
Yet, am I alone in my profound feelings that English rule is the best, not only for India, but also for many other places in the world including Pakistan, Bangladesh, many Asian and African nations, the US as well as many European nations? I do not think so.
See this about Cornelia Sorabji: She (15 November 1866 – 6 July 1954) was the first female barrister from India, a social reformer, and a writer. She was the first female graduate from Bombay University, and in 1889 became the first woman to read law at Oxford University. And also the first Indian national to study at any British university. Later she became the first woman to practise law in India and Britain. In 2012, her bust was unveiled at Lincoln’s Inn, London.
See the following quotes about her from Wikipedia:
As Cornelia put it bluntly in India Calling, “I am Parsee by nationality.” With that declaration, Sorabji announced what she had long adhered to as the defining differences between her community and that of the Hindus. What’s more, she established herself as the interpreter of peculiarly Hindu religious customs and social practices to an audience that was presumed to be non-Indian and probably British—an audience that would also, she appears to have presumed, read her sympathies as similar to their own. Her descriptions of her childhood in India Calling are full of didactic examples of what differentiated her family from other Indians.
Whereas the Sorabji children were “‘brought up. English’— i.e., on English nursery tales with English discipline”—most Indian children were, in her view, spoilt and misbehaved.
The treatment of women was for Cornelia the ultimate index of cultural difference: orthodox Hindu women “live[d] in subjection to their husbands”; “Moslem women remained in purdah”; “but our women have never been secluded.” The independence and careerist goals of the Sorabji women were an explicit contrast to what Sorabji saw as the slavish lives of women in the Hindu community, from whom Parsis sought and maintained an “apartness” that their Persian “origin, temperament, and habits of life . . . made inevitable.” Dress—a cultural marker that preoccupied Sorabji throughout her time in Britain—represented the most eloquent manifestation of Parsi distinctiveness. “Our women wear a sari certainly,” she wrote, “but it is of silk, and draped differently from the Hindu sari (over the right ear, behind the left).”
There is this writing also about her, with regard to her biography:
Although fully Indian, Cornelia supported the British Raj and was a vocal opponent of Gandhi.
MY COMMENT: Apart for a very deep disregard for Gandhi and his likes, there is also a vehement emotion to stand apart from other ‘Indians’. Well, this is actually an emotion seen everywhere in India. In my own native state, the Nairs cannot bear to be identified as Sudras (which was an okay title for them till Travancore became part of India and the north India identification of the term Sudra became clear in Travancore.
The Ezhavas want to bring the Thiyyas under their dominion, which at least a particular section of the Thiyyas cannot bear even to contemplate upon. The Christians of South Kerala do not want to discuss their history, in which it is seen that they are the converts from lower castes in Travancore. The north Indians did not want to be identified with the South Indians till recent times. However, when the national fraud and hoax of foreign currency exchange rates turned the tables, and the southern states have made the northern states go destitute, it might be difficult to maintain this dislike.
The north-eastern state people do not want to be part of the other Indians. The Muslims bear a dislike to other communities, and the other communities bear an equal grudge against them. Well, this is and beyond is the reality. Yet, the real culprit in all this is the feudal content of the ‘Indian’ vernaculars. See this for more.
Native-English racism is next to nothing compared to all this. Other white racism is just a repulsion to be identified with the others. They want to be with the native-English folks, at the same time heaping the native-English speakers with all verbal and mental abuses. Yet, to be identified with the Blacks and the Asians would be quite unbearable for them.
See these comparative images: Cornelia with ordinary English children [Somerville College, class of 1891. Cornelia Sorabji is first on the left, second row] and then visualise people like Gandhi, the rich and mighty of the subcontinent. If people had any sense, they would opt for English connection, rather than connection to ‘Indian’ rich and mighty, including Gandhi, who would place them at the lower end of ‘respect’ versus pejorative codes. In fact, English racialism is much better than being hammered by ‘Indian’ pejorative codes.
There are others also who have come forward supporting English rule for the world. See these comments on SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN on its RAMANUJAM page:
32. Eugene Sittampalam
07:26 PM 12/27/12
I was born and raised in the Island of Serendipity, or Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) during the British reign there; and I am very proud indeed of the educational system they firmly established for us there. With excellent teachers and UK-style education, it was little wonder that we excelled in education in the whole of South-East Asia. (Even Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, who was to later become the first Prime Minister of Singapore, had his early education in Ceylon; see: The Singapore Story
Even if the Sun has set on the British Empire, you can safely bet it’ll never set on the British language. It grows instead, with even the EU be adopting it as its official language (in preference to contending German for the honour)!
Long live Euro-English; and Happy New Year to you all!
31. American Muse
02:50 PM 12/27/12
VED is right on the ball with his observations. India, sorrowfully, remains a horribly feudal and corrupt society, embroiled in an odious caste system with little or no regard for human rights. The British tried and made a small positive impact on this travesty. Those efforts, though, have been bulldozed in the last 65 years since they left. It’s a sordid tale.
26. anametuer
11:39 AM 12/25/12
Buddies, by calling anybody a fool, the ‘intelligent’ man’s credentials diminishes in a debating forum ,I guess, cut him point by point with data, facts, emotionally and culturally ditached. I know it is difficult! But fist of fury won’t lead to reasoning, civilised and scientific conclusions. Is it part of the great Indus culture program or perhaps I guess most likely due a person’s individual cultural atributes that reason pave way to preconceived notions about the social status of people living in distant villages in India, who are subjugated even in Independent India?
Raman was a great genius, no one disputes, what we are talking about is the nourishing environment for a talent, the contention about is the system and social practices that supports him locally, by and large and even today some developing countries are not capable of aknowleding and promoting the merit of an individual. That is why they have that ‘Tag’ backward.
In large part of india it is a sad fact that today merit. honesty, hard work, intellectual propery rights is not respected, rewarded. People clamour for feudal govt jobs, favours are required to get things done. Geverment babus are arrogant, feudal in attitude, lacks efficiency, full of red tapism. No Raman’s from a village can come up in India that easily. You go to west for that reason. Our scientist in question did the same, with the help of a Professor, an Englishman,who accidentally noticed him. END OF COMMENT
Now see this comment that came in reply to my comment on this video:
NailthatDrift has replied to your comment on Indian cop beats woman of lower caste
Sieving the English social platform
However, when making such terrific stances, I need to qualify it in a very refined manner. There would be people from feudal language nations who arrive in England with very powerful support for English systems and language. They can easily be identified. One very easily identifiable item is that they do not speak in their native feudal language at home, among themselves. Or at least limit it to essentials. They do not teach their children to speak that language, when they are born.
These people can be quite separated from the others who do speak constantly in their feudal languages and also teach their children to do the same. It is a very diabolic situation. For, they wouldn’t feel the negativity. In fact, they would enjoy great benefits, all of a very satanic kind. They can converse among themselves in a sort of privacy with the other person near them not understanding what is being said.
Moreover, they would send out a negative input in the social system that knowing their language is a great intelligence booster. Actually when a native-English kid learns their tongue, it would only erase the inherent positive features of that kid, for he or she can be subordinated by the feudal language speakers.
There would be feudal language speaking persons who promote their native dances and such other arts in their children. It is seen as a great achievement to display such arts in England. However, many of these arts are intimately connected to feudal language codes. However, in England the negative effects of these things wouldn’t sharply fall upon the kid. For he or she is sitting on the elevated platform of an English nation. Even the most improper themes from their native nation can be acted out there, from this raised platform. If the same thing is acted out in their own nation, many negative strings would bear upon the actor.
For example, when dancing a folk dance in India, even the lowest person would address the kid with the lowest indicant word. If he or she happens to enter into the film world, there also, the lowest persons can come to dominate them. However, if that kid can rise up to become a famous star, he or she might be able to rise up beyond these strings. What has to be borne in mind is that not everyone can arrive at that position.
Now, to sit in England and promote Indian feudal systems can be the highest of rascality. Such persons should be forced to display their great love for India by sending them back to India. And India should welcome them back with a red carpet and tell them to continue their antics over here.
Now, if the rule by the English monarchy is not allowed, what is the other proposition? Well, see this comment that came sneering at my comments on Huffington Post:
Andrashka May 24, 2012 at 7:27am
“Actually, a Europe with headquarters in London, based on English wouldn’t flounder”
Are you proposing a British protectorate over Europe ?
I’ve read some dumb things today, but your comment takes the cake.
Linguistic unity as a sure-fire solution to economic problems.... *sigh* END OF QUOTE
MY COMMENT: I have mentioned my contention that Europe as a single nation should be headquartered in London, with the British monarch on top many years ago also.
Recently, I did mention it on SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN’s page on Ramanujan. See it:
I happen to feel that this geographical area would have been much better under English officials. I did once write many years ago that Europe would be safer under English administrators, under the English monarch than under a messy democracy that would make it sink and drown. I was rebuked by Europeans
MY COMMENT: EUROPE has that option or they would shortly be forced to concede to the more tragic option. Of being taken over by the economic moguls of Asia. In fact, Europe never had a chance against the Asian moguls and emperors, if they ever had gained access to interior European areas. For the feudal languages of Asia could be much more powerful and regimenting. A section of the society can be turned into a sort of military platoon, if a single person can come on top of a pyramid-like-structure of feudal language codes. In fact, the so-called Islamic threat facing Europe is not connected to the ideas of Prophet Muhammad, but the regimenting quality of the Asian feudal languages. Simple communication words and usages have command codes in it, directed to positions of loyalty and adoration.
The clue to this can be found in the fact that Asian leaders do have a particular code of respect suffixed to their names. Some of them even have it in the front also. For example, Gandhi. He was not only GandhiJi, but also Mahatma Gandhi. No Englishman really understands the powerful codes of command and regimentation this has. And did any Englishman, who lived in India and built up the nation from barbarity to common sense, get any such enduring codes of power and adoration? Well, if these types of codes enter Europe, current-day Europe, as we know it now, is finished. For, feudal language-speaking persons with nothing of quality to offer would simply ride up to popular leadership by these cunning manoeuvres. The native population would simply stand in a mood of astonishment and utter incomprehension.
Remember that when Jinnah mentioned Gandhi as Mr. Gandhi, he was literally driven off the podium. For, Gandhi’s supporters understood the powerful denuding of Gandhi’s leadership this simply wording was doing. However, the English officials back in England had no idea that this simple code has so much power. See the difference in personalities. Jinnah definitely exhibiting an English stature, which Gandhi’s putting his hands on the other man definitely connected to typical feudal language codes. See this page:
May be I should post here a quote from Hitler’s Mein Kampf that can literally defy many commonly held logics:
QUOTE: England will lose India either if her own administrative machinery falls a prey to racial decomposition (which at the moment is completely out of the question in India) or if she is bested by the sword of a powerful enemy. Indian agitators, however, will never achieve this. How hard it is to beat England, we Germans have sufficiently learned. Quite aside from the fact that I, as a man of Germanic blood, would, in spite of everything, rather see India under English rule than under any other. END OF QUOTE
MY COMMENT: England left India to the dogs just because a useless nut came to power in Britain.
Now, what is it that I am proposing? Is it that all nations should submit to England? No, what I am proposing is that there is need to understand that human languages are not simple things that can be used simply to communicate to each other. Instead, they are powerful software that more or less defines a human being in his various mental and physical features. English is different from many languages, in that it is a planar language. There might be such other similar languages. Promote these languages as one would promote a good software, instead of a virus laden software.
Should other languages be made to die out? No, in fact they should be preserved for future use. May be in years to come the inner codes of the feudal languages might come useful for things that are now totally beyond the imagination of mankind.
As to national competitions, including trade competitions, it will all be re-defined when English becomes the language of popular communication. Most of the terrible spurs to dominate others will get erased.
I think I should mention that the British Empire had many possibilities including that of creating a world government, headquartered in a very refined nation. The UN is nowhere near to the quality of the British Empire. The UN is run by feudal-language speaking crooks, from feudal language social systems, who are totally self-centred. Again, I should mention the bloody fool who became the Prime Minister in Britain. He did not know what he was doing. A rascal he was and what he did was rank rascality. Or at least a fool of incredible proportions.
0. Book Profile
3. Command codes in the language software
4. Spontaneous block to information
6. What the Colonial English faced
9. Fifth issue
10. The sixth issue
12. Insights from my own training programme
13. A colonial British quandary
14. Entering the world of animals
16. Notes on education, bureaucracy etc.
18. The master classes strike back
19. Codes and routes of command
20. The sly stance of feudal indicant codes
21. Pristine English and its faded form
23. Media as an indoctrination tool
24. How a nation lost its independence
26. Social engineering and sex appeal
27. Conceptualising Collective Wisdom
29. British colonialism vs American hegemony
30. Revolting against a benevolent governance
31. The destination
34. Online unilateral censorship
36. Understanding a single factor of racism
38. The logic of blocking information
39. Mediocre might
40. Dangers of non-cordoned democracy
43. Where Muslims deviate from pristine Islam
44. Film stars as popular trainers
45. Freedom of speech and feudal languages
48. Indian Culture
49. The miserable Indian media
51. What a local self government could do
52. The aspects of quality improvement
54. Profound quality enhancement
56. Frill elements of quality improvement
58. Continuing on human development
59. Refinements in automobile driving
60. Back to Quality Improvement
61. Entering an area of tremulous disquiet
62. Stature on an elevated platform
63. The sly and treacherous debauchery
64. Reflections of a personal kind
65. Observations on the effect of gold
67. Secure refinement versus insecure odium
68. Clowning around with precious antiquity
69. Handing over helpless entities to crooks
71. The complexities in the virtual codes
73. Satanic codes on the loose
76. Teaching Hindi in Australia
78. Disincentives in teaching English
79. Who should rule?
80. What is it that I am doing?
82. From the ‘great’ ‘Indian’ history
83. Routes to quality enhancement
84. Epilogue