What is different about it?

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
12. A candid view of the uncanny outside Part3
So many items are crowding into my mind that should go into this write-up on the exact dangers of allowing feudal language speakers to take domination of England and its traditional constituents. One is about the command codes that run a social system, and nation. The other is about the very imperative need for a strong monarch for England, and Great Britain. However, I might still be quite far off from such locations of writing at this moment.
I need to continue with the issues of what are the exact diabolical communication codes in feudal languages.
I had posted a video in my last post on the manner in which a senior Indian police ‘officer’ deals with some one who tries to argue his case of police harassment. Actually there are a huge lot of words that might be needed to see how a police administration, set up by English administrators slowly moved into the hands of utterly low quality personnel. However, that discussion must wait.
The issue is the manner in which communication moves. The officialdom on the higher pedestal and the common man on the lower pedestal. The official as the Aap/Ungal/Saar (highest YOU) and the common man as the Thoo/Nee (lowest YOU).
The official as the Gold and the common man as the Dirt/repulsive substance. However, the wider issue is that this type of communication is not only between the officialdom and the common man, but between every single entity in a feudal languages social system. When it is between a husband and wife, between a parent and a son/daughter or between a teacher and a student, there is slight change from the ‘repulsive’ to that of ‘utterly subordinated’.
Once a person is defined into any particular slot in the hierarchical communication, there are standard codes of addressing, postures, requirements in acknowledging respect or receiving respect, and much else. It is also a code of command or domination. Any person can be simply pulled into a particular command structure by a single word:Thoo or Nee. People, who accept the pulling in, accede to the subordination. Those who do not accept the pulling in, react with a retort, get terrorised, act as insulted, feel repulsed at been addressed as a subordinate, weep at the utter humiliation, react with physical violence etc.
This is the exact manner of social communication in feudal language nations such as India. Even though there are various other nations that do have some kind of feudal codes, I cannot say for sure as to how they experience or react to the inimical codes.
Every man is in terror of another unacknowledged or nondescript individual showing some kind of individuality. A mere trying to argue a contention by a lower man can be treated as an infringement of the social codes of ‘respect’ and propriety, and viewed as violent impertinence. I have seen a doctor reacting with satanic cruelty on a young female who tried to simply ask a question on the effectiveness of a treatment.
The issue was that the female was seen as a nonentity in the social standards. The doctor simply used the humiliating words of NEE to address her. And she simply wept at the humiliation that literally had and has no defence.
There is terror on both sides, unless it is an established relationship.
In the video I had posted earlier, on a very senior, yet quite young and immature female Indian police ‘officer’ slapping a young man, the issue is basically connected to the Aap–Thoo, or Ungal–Nee communication codes. The issue is akin to: This bloody dirt is daring to talk back!
However, there are wider issues at work. In fact, the real culprit is the Indian teaching class, which assigns various levels to their wards. In fact, there is a social understanding that the slapped individual is a actually a dirt. And hence deserves slaps and much more. However, I need to take that part for discussion later.
Now see this video:
The issue is this:
Two persons went to the riverside and took sand from the riverbed for commercial sale. This is a banned action in the state, as it is seen to affect the environment adversely. However, in every ban, there is money.
The actual fact is that almost every government official who can extract a bribe, would do it. And does do it. It is more or less equivalent to pick-pocketing. It does not mean that these people are bad or immoral or ethical. They can be good, moral and also quite ethical. However, they will force a bribe as a matter of right, with brutal fierceness. Not many persons really see anything wrong in it. Currently.
The police inspector caught them, arrested them, took them to the police station, addressed them in the pejorative NEE (dirt YOU), EDA word codes, and beat them up soundly. Basically that is how the teaching class also behave. When getting beaten up, they have to consistently use words of ‘respect’ to the inspector. This is the most funny side of Asian ‘respect’. It has nothing to do with the English word ‘respect’.
Now who can go to the police station and demand the police inspector that he should not beat them up? Well, the real fact about the great ‘free’, ‘independent’ nation of India is that no one can, other than someone right up on the police or administrative hierarchy. Even the courts in India, turn a blind eye.
There have been instances wherein people brought to the courts literally can’t stand straight, quite obviously been beat up on to the very inch of life. Yet, the judge would feign that he has not noticed anything amiss. No one dares to mention it. The beaten up persons would not dare. For, they would be given back to the police by the court. Moreover other people are generally happy when another person is bashed up by the police. For, the society is quite competitive in everyway.
In the present case, local politician was requested by the arrested persons’ family to intervene. Since he belonged to the ruling party, he went to the police station. He sat down in front of the police inspector. Usually no chairs are kept for the members of the public to sit down in front of a police inspector. So how he got to sit down is not really clear. He must have addressed the police inspector with ‘Ningal’ (medium level YOU). In modern times, in this locality, this is not an acceptable word to the officialdom. The most modern officials here demand a word ‘Saar’ (Persian origin: Headman YOU). So the word Ningal is not obsequious enough. The inspector naturally is in a violent mood.
He asks: Who are you (medium level YOU ‘Ningal’)?
The political leader says: I am the local area president of the … (ruling) party.
However, the inspector has his own connections to override this level.
He says: ‘Get up’. Now this is how the translation comes in English. However, what is said is with a NEE (dirt YOU) and an EDA.
It can be roughly translated as: YOU (dirt) get up, EDA.
EDA has no specific English equivalent, and is usually deleted in translations. However, it is a very powerful word, and conveys the total degradation of a person.
The other person asks: How can you address me as NEE (dirt YOU), and with an EDA?
The inspector has no verbal answer. He simply gets up and gives a series of thundering slaps on the young political leader. He is then placed under arrest for “restraining a police ‘officer’”.
Now before proceeding further, it needs mention that both the persons are just the two sides of the same coin. Both belong to the same language culture. However, here the inspector is in the upper position, and he sees the other individual as trying to occupy a higher location.
Now what is to be done?
Taking the issue to the Indian courts would be one of the most idiotic things. Literally it would be a very hilarious deed to do.
The arrested political leader’s leader is informed. He is, as an individual, quite a capable person. However, individual capacities cannot work against a huge statutory set up. He comes and shouts at the police inspector, demanding to know how his party functionary had been bashed up in the police station. If this leader’s words are translated into English, no obscenities would be visible. He does not use profanities which the Indian police use on the common populations of the subcontinent. Policemen use terrible profanities as an extension of the lowering of the indicant words for words such as YOU, HE, HIS, SHE, HER, THEM &c.
Here one comes upon two terms. Abusive words and Obscenities. Even though both might seem the same in English, in feudal languages they could mean absolutely different items.
In the feudal languages of the Indian subcontinent, historically abusive words are the lower indicant words for YOU, HE, SHE, HIS, HER, THEY, THEM &c. These words become abusive only when a person identified as lower, uses them about or on a person identified as higher.
During the English rule in the subcontinent, the English officials did have the agony to see that for some non-tangible kind of abusive words used to higher caste individuals, the lower castes individuals were caught, tied up, thrashed and then kept captive for a couple of weeks by the native village-headmen. Even though the English administrative writings are not quite clear on what were the abusive words that provoked so much violence, I could understand it without much ado.
Now, in the video it is seen that the top politician who came to rescue his follower did use such abusive words. However, taken from an English translation there is no abuse. Yet, he did use the lower words of YOU, HE, SHE, HIS, HIM &c. on the police inspector. However, since he was a very senior politician, no one would take offense to it. However, if a common man was to use such words on a policeman, what the English administrators mentioned about what the village-headmen did, would seem like a mere dress rehearsal.
These are information that has not entered into the various debates that is going on with regard to racism in English nations. In fact, all debates on racism are mere one-sided perspectives. The huge volume of sheer dirt, depravity and diabolism that exists on the other side never gets a chance mention.
The other word Obscenity is different from this Abuse. Indian policemen use terrific obscenities on any person they attain the right to address with a Thoo or Nee. Words such as: Go and fornicate your mother, Mother fornicator, Son/daughter of a whore, Son/daughter of a cunt and much more are quite common. The words have a terrible scratching sound to add to the irritation and degradation. No one really disputes about these things, nor discusses.
In fact, when anyone is thus addressed, a huge section of the others relish the fact that a social competitor of theirs has thus been demolished. Feudal languages create a competitive mood in everything in the social system, and turn human beings into uncouth and inhuman barbarians. Even in this video, many of the comments that appeared on YouTube are supportive of the police Inspector, and do insist on his right to beat up ‘culprits’.
Moreover, the media report is also supportive of the police inspector, saying that he is an honest ‘officer’ etc. And they fact that the issue is connected to the beating up of the persons is not given prominence. There is no such thing as an ‘honest’ police ‘officer’ in India. In fact, police stations do have regular stipulated revenue from various businesses that operate in the locality. This continues irrespective of whether the ‘officer’ is ‘honest’ or not. Generally the media men try to be on the good books of police officials.
Now, in other versions of the incident, we can see the District Superintendent of Police (SP) being summonsed by the senior politician. He is seen coming. However, the fact is that most of such modern day senior Indian ‘officers’ are persons who dance to the tune set by their subordinates. In this also, they stand in quite contrast with the erstwhile English officers who had set up the systems. The English officers did not care for the opinion of their subordinate officials. In fact, they stood for the perfection of the system. At the same time, the Indian ‘officers’ stand in craving for the ‘respect’ from their subordinates. They had to act out what bring approbation from the low quality subordinates.
This issue of verbal respect is there in almost all communication in the feudal language social system.
I am giving one more video here.
Here the scene is of one TV actress addressing the police personal and questioning how they can address her as a NEE. She is brave and courageous indeed. But then she must have some official backing to do this highly dangerous thing. However, it is not a thing any ordinary citizen of the great and free, independent nation of India can do.
She very clearly mentions that she was addressed with words: EDI, PODI, both of which are part of the lower dirt level indicant codes of the local vernacular.
In this video also, the media is more or less sarcastic about the actress, and gives more weight to police version.
Now, in all this what is the crucial information that is there for English nations? Well, there is much. When one hears of native-English-speakers being arrested for acting violently on feudal language speakers, bear in mind that there are wider, hidden codes at work. Only one side of the belligerence is visible to the common eye. Yet, to make a sound judgement, the non-tangible factors also need to be taken up for close inspection and retrospection.
I hope to continue.
4. Engaging the gears inside the vice-like
5. Communicating across the canyons
6. Equality and freedom in a Slotted
8. Social flight if seclusion is not possible
10. A candid view of the uncanny outside 1
11. A candid view of the uncanny outside 2
12. A candid view of the uncanny outside 3