What is different about it?

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
11. A candid view of the uncanny outside Part2
I wanted to use a few videos from the Indian subcontinent area to substantiate the outside world scenarios. However, many of the videos which I had earmarked for use are currently seen removed from YouTube. Many which I had linked to in my book Shrouded Satanism in Feudal Languages have been also been removed from the links.
When I went searching for useable videos, this one came to my notice.
Addition dt: 16th Oct 2014. As usual, I find that this video has been removed. I had this experience for quite some years. I use any video for substantiating my logic, and it soon vanishes from YouTube. So I am posting another of the same:
I found that it is a video that can be used to illustrate a lot of realities that are outside England. Most of these things wouldn’t be evident when these same outsiders enter England. For, much is lost in translation, and much remains invisible due to a very cunning demeanour of bogus refinement, and politeness.
The first issue is the Indian Administrative Service exam. Most educated Indians would claim that this is the greatest exam in the world. Like so many things that I have tried this out in my life, I did write for this exam many years ago. From my background of person who was quite good in English classics and much other information on world history, world politics, general science &c. from a very young age, including real time information on administration, I found that there was basically nothing for me to write in this exam.
The preliminary was multiple choice, and the Mains were around 9 papers of academic subjects. The purpose of the exam design was to tire out anyone with sterile nonsense information. For instance, it was my information that India was formed by the conglomeration of many small-time kingdoms which had been under English colonial supremacy and the various disconnected regions directly under the English colonial rule, which was called British-India. In fact two separate, mutually antagonistic nations were then formed in 1947.
However, for an average household maid servant in the local areas, the information derived from school teaching was of a nation that more or less extended from some 7000 years old Vedic period.
And how did the English rule end?
As per my information, it was due to the idiotic policy of the British Labour Party to give up all colonial areas. Would Winston Churchill have done this folly? However, household maid would know that Gandhi fought for many years and ultimately the British were defeated by Gandhi.
From my information, Gandhi had not much to do with the event, other than the propaganda that came up after he was murdered. The reason for the murder might have been that his presence was not liked by some powerful politicians, and he, as dead man, was of better utility as a purported saint. A fake film was made with a British connection!
I remember remarking to another candidate who was then known to me some 30 years ago, that what has to be written is totally against intelligent understanding. He simply told me that he also was aware of this but then, to pass the exam, you write what they want. He passed the exam. Recently during an online search I found that he is a joint director of one powerful Indian central police department.
There are optional subjects like Physics, Chemistry, various language literatures etc. in the exam. However, what creates an officer, who is a polite and helpful to the common man, is refined English. In English, the concept of human equality and right to dignity is naturally embedded. There is no word code that goes against this, other than the repulsion on feels for barbarian social systems. In Indian vernaculars, the concept of human equality and right to dignity are not there. Common man is just dirt. And when these vernaculars are used, individuals do split into dirt and gold, at every level of the interaction.
Now, the whole exam has this taste. In fact, if the household maid and I were to compete in this exam, most probably she would get more marks.
Second point is about English language. Over the years, English was slow removed. I had the experience of close proximity to the officer class of erstwhile Malabar district, which had been under direct British rule. The officers were quite good in English and could literally quote from English classics. They spoke to each other in English. Moreover, the usage of vernacular pejorative for the common man was not there among them. Office work was fast, and not connected to the requirement of extracting ‘respect’ from each every man who came to the office.
However their vernacular-speaking peons were also good in much information, in their vernacular mood. It is a different mood, in which they view the common man as dirt, with the usage of vernacular pejoratives. Such as Nee, Thoo etc.
Now, in present day India the situation is that people, who should be rude and impolite peons of the yesteryears, can get to become an officer. However, it need not be said that they cannot function. I have seen the peons of old times being quite capable in their own level of functioning. However, people who go below them suffer the worst. They go below the impolite peons, in the vernacular indicant words.
Moreover, the ancient kings and other rulers of the various regions inside the peninsula did not know English. Yet, they did rule powerfully. However, the rudeness of the native feudal tongues would be there in their rule. There was no escape from that.
This is the first point to be noted about this ‘officer’. In most ways, she doesn’t know how to behave to the public. Her beating up a person when he or she is trying to argue his or her case, is generally the typical quality of lower intellectual class Indian government officials.
Now, let us move to another location. What is the communication between the police and the common man? The policemen have to be consistently addressed as Aap/Ungal and mentioned asUNN/Avar. The common citizen is just a Thoo/Nee, andUSS/Avan/Aval. Both these latter terms are pejorative and degrading words. However, this is the unchangeable codes in feudal languages. This point has to be noted by England, when dealing with persons who come from feudal language nations.
Now, when a Thoo man speaks to an Aap level person, he or she has to show ‘respect’ and obeisance. And he can be treated like dirt and addressed as Eda. He should not argue. This is very well taught by Indian teachers to their students, who they treated with marked discourtesy unless they are from formidable families.
The young female doesn’t have the mental stamina to deal with a situation wherein a man is trying to argue his case. It is not a case of a female ‘officer’. In fact, men officials are also quite terrible. When they beat and slap, the physical force would be more. However, when female Indians beat it has another burden. That of substantially low quality persons getting to beat an individual. In many ways, it has a taste of anIndian servant beating up his Indian master. What the Indian master suffers is not the pain of the beating, but of his utter social degradation.
So the second point is the level difference in the communication. The officials on a higher platform. And the common man in the dirt-level platform.
Third point is the issue of her status among her subordinates. She is young, and looks quite mediocre. However, she has passed an exam which the Indian nationals feel is the greatest calibre test on earth. However, what comes selected is at best a couch potato who has to prove that he or she is not one such. It is not a case of whether he or she is good in athletics, swimming football etc. In most probability, he or she would be brought up at the lower end of the feudal language codes by his or her parents. From which location he or she will have to use rudeness and other upstart-ness to prove his or her quality.
Here the issue has to be compared with the English officials of both the East India Company as well as the British Crown rule. One Colonial English police officer did mention in his writings that even when the native police officials have been sternly given orders not to abuse any arrested persons, the moment the English officers leave the place, the arrested persons would invariably be abused and most probably physically assaulted. The English officers had no way of understanding the exact machine that does this. In fact, one official even mentioned that it is quite dangerous to give power over one Indian to another Indians. It was sure to be abused.
Now what is it that triggers the verbal and physical assault? It is just the usage of the lower indicant word for YOU, HE, SHE, HIS, HER &c. The moment a policeman addresses a person as a Thoo, or Nee, instead of Aap or Ungal, it is a degradation that needs more emphasis in the form of verbal and physical assault. The exact working of the machine cannot be discussed here. However, it is how the machine works.
The ‘officer’ is also under a lot of stress. Her juniors of various levels are most crude persons who enjoy a lot of compulsory ‘respect’ from the people. They can go around and do things. They would have their own opinion about having a young female above them, who really do not know how to impress them. During the English rule period, there was a concerted effort to copy the English officers, in their dressings, manners, politeness, refinement etc. However, as of now, the higher ‘officers’ do not have any kind of refinement or politeness, or any other soft higher attainments. The need of the hour is crudeness and rudeness.
So, the ‘officer’ has to prove himself or herself. She or he has to be over-smart. Moreover, being at home in the vernacular, the ‘officer’ would be seeing the world in a hierarchical pattern. The ‘officers’ as a sort of gold, while the others as a kind of dirt. There would be ample vernacular films in which the police ‘officers’ would be seen as catching up bad guys, taking them to the police stations and beating them to a pulp. However, this is reality and most police stations in India are places where the people get battered.
As she acts out this barbarianism, her junior would mention her as a ‘tough’ ‘officer’. However, the fact is that this toughness is what any street rowdy could act out. And the battered up persons in real life as seen here are not tough gangsters, but ordinary folks, in various levels of poverty. There is no need for a great exam to select persons for this job. Actually during the English rule, this was a cadre which was filled by persons of extreme qualities of refinement and understanding about the concepts of human equality and right to dignity.
They were supposed to act as a powerful control machine on the natural barbarianism of the Indian constables. As of now, these ideas have no meaning in the Indian feudal vernaculars. The ‘officers’ as well as the constables are of the same quality. The only difference is that the former has gone through an exam in which a lot of sterile information has to be learned by-heart, and some questions answered.
When she acts out low quality rowdy acts on the streets, people would mention her as ‘lion’, ‘tiger’ etc. That is how the vernacular mind works. Adorations creep in.
Yet, there is also another terrible reality. In many areas, the constables, the head constables, Sub Inspectors, the Inspectors, the deputy district police officers also would use the lower grade, pejorative words for their senior, yet youngster ‘officer’, in their private locations. I have personally heard of lower police ‘officers’ using the word ‘Oan’ (lower grade HE, Malabar language) about a senior, yet young district police ‘officer’.
They would use the words of ‘respect’ formally, yet, in informal occasions, they would use the degrading words. It is a terror for the superiors. They do get distressed. And they need using bullying to off set any such actions. It is like being on a pivot. The constables are the pivot. The use the higher word, the ‘officer’ goes up. They use the lower HE/SHE, they go beneath the constables.
However, most of the senior ‘officers’ play along with the lower staff. Not only in police, but in every other department. For, they are in need of ‘respect’ from their lower staff. If they try to enforce too much discipline, this ‘respect’ would be slowly deleted by the juniors. It a terror which can give nightmares to an ‘officer’.
Now, we go to the arresting by the Indian police. When a person is arrested, unless he is with some clout, it is a 100% sure thing that he will be abused verbally and also physically. It is not that he is doing anything bad or good, but this is the only way the social discipline works. Other people would really love to hear that he was abused and physically assaulted. The news of that a higher man had been degraded by Thoo/Nee would be heard with drooling mouth by others. This would help them in degrading him more in the society, in which social competition is machined through hierarchical ennobling verses dirtying words.
Now, this is only one side of the issue. The other side is, how should the officialdom communicate with the common man? There are no codes of equality in the communication. If they use respectful words to the common man, the common man would very naturally understand it as they are the higher group. Invariably they would resort to lower indicant words for the officials. The officials are quite wary of this eventuality, in which they would stand degraded.
The next issue is that everyone in the society is connected to each other in mutually competing degrading versus ennobling words and reference words. It is an environment in which one has to be on eternal vigilance, always. So as to see that no lowering information, reports, words, gestures and much more are used about one. Others incessantly try to usurp the levels, and to overturn the apple-cart.
Now, there is another very fabulous piece of information. In earlier times, policemen used to abuse individuals both verbally as well as physically on the streets. However, due to the coming of digital recording devices they do not usually do it in the open. Generally persons are taken to the police stations and simply bashed up. However there are many videos like these ones, wherein one can very easily see that a person is being beaten up.
Now what happens?
Will there be any case against the concerned official? Well, the fact is that no one in the free nation of India would dare to go in for a case against the official. Unless they are very strong, financially and otherwise. Otherwise, they will end up in terrible problems. This much is a minor picture of the nation that claims to have fought for independence from the ‘terrible’ Englishmen.
What does this write-up offer to England? Well, this write-up stands in absolute opposition to the school textbook history of a grand oppressive and exploitative English colonialism, which was ultimately driven out of the colonial nations.
Second item for noting is the issue of immigrants coming into England in the pose of deep refinement and adoration. Well, this is only one side of the communication. When these persons set up their roots, those who come under them will get to feel the other side of their communication.
All discussions on, and allegations of ‘racism’ stands quite superficial, if done without adequate knowledge of the information mentioned in these write-ups.
I quote sentence from ‘A Social History of India’ by S N Sadasivan, about how the feudal language hierarchy works:
This is an exact mention of the how a feudal language social system manoeuvres to overtake others. The Japs were the masters in this, that the US was deluded into allowing them to capture US territory just after the WW2.
4. Engaging the gears inside the vice-like
5. Communicating across the canyons
6. Equality and freedom in a Slotted
8. Social flight if seclusion is not possible
10. A candid view of the uncanny outside 1
11. A candid view of the uncanny outside 2
12. A candid view of the uncanny outside 3