Terms of Service for paid subscription Telegram channel - English Classics PDF, maintained by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS / DEVERKOVIL Inc.
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1. At the moment, there are six English classics books inside the channel.
2. The books are in the form of PDF files, which you can download or read online or save to your Google Drive.
3. In the case of Gone with the Wind! by Margaret Mitchel, the full book PDF digital book file as well as the individual chapter files are there.
4. In the case of the other books, they are in the form of a single PDF digital book or file.
5. You can view a sample PDF file of Gone with the Wind! by Margaret Mitchel from this link.
6. The list of books currently available in the channel are given in VICTORIA HOME PAGE.
7. You need to pay the Subscription fee for getting admission into this channel.
8. The Subscription fee is Rs. 100 for one year membership inside the channel.
5. During your Subscription period, you can download the PDF files.
6. After this subscription period is over, if you want to continue your access to the Telegram channel, you will have to pay the subscription fee again for the next period.
7. We do not offer any guarantee with regard to the longevity of the Telegram channel, quality of the contents, or that the contents are free of error.
8. Please note that we reserve the right to make changes in the contents of the channel.
9. Once you pay the subscription fee, no request for Refund shall be entertained by us.
10. It is your responsibility to download the PDF files immediately on joining the channel.
11. If by some chance, you find it impossible to access the channel after some time, during the period of your subscription, due to some reason over which we do not have any control, you will not be given back the amount you paid.
12. We shall not refund the amount paid by you for any reason, whatsoever.