March of the Evil Empires!
English versus the feudal languages!!

First drafted in 1989. First online edition around 2000
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Part 1 - An Introduction to a perspective
The language in Japan could definitely be feudalistic. Possibly in a very severe form. However being a homogenous nation, it does bring in discipline. Here the lesser guys would definitely have no independent individuality; his whole personality would be one of dependence and fitting into the slot of the system and maintaining his profile there. I quote from the book Society of Modern day Samurai by Masatugu Mitsuuyki;
“The employer’s principal position is parental. He places the employee in a position dependent upon himself. It’s dependence between parents and a child. In western countries, a newly employed worker is instructed as to what he is supposed to do and how. Even though his immediate superior keeps an eye on the worker, in actual fact he operates on his own and expects no assistance from anyone. Their relationships are confined to exchanging labour for money. All that a Japanese worker receives is notification concerning his starting pay and a colourful booklet about the firm. The notification is not contract, but a certificate of mutual relations informally defined as follows: you have been accepted into the family. Be dependant upon it and you will be helped’. These relations are based on the feudal concept of dutiful gratitude. Accordingly, the worker assumes the following stance: `In gratitude for the concern and trust on part of the family, I believed in the best way possible’.”
NOTE added on the 21st of May 2016: The word ‘Western’ is a misnomer. ‘Western’ can mean Eastern Europe, Western Europe or even the USA and Canada of the American Continent. It can even mean England or Great Britain. Only native-English nations are different from the feudal social structure. Even though it is quite possible that at least a few of the nations in Continental Europe also might have planar languages.
This quotation may give a very rosy picture. However the reality need not be so. This quotation is from the superior’s viewpoint. With the spread of English, the concept of individual’s individuality has also spread. The individual who is a worker need not necessarily be happy in his faceless submissive position. He may not enjoy the prospect of displaying his servitude to a lot of others, and also, the pressure to be superior to many others, as part of natural communication requirement. However in a feudal society, he has no escape. He has to find his position in the system and also see that he builds up juniors to himself over whom he is superior.
In this society, there would be a mad rush to get into professional courses. The youth would put in their everything to enter Medical, Engineering, Management and other university courses. A missing in this would be equal to a lifetime failure. Beyond that, it could hold a person in a position of helpless subjugation.
A job in the government would also be highly liked. The competition would be high and the stakes, which would remain as an invisible undercurrent, would also be high. Suicide in this society would be high.
The prosperity that Japan displays is only a façade. It would not last in the face of the increasing incidences of persons belonging to the traditionally lower social strata penetrating the higher strata. This could create real turmoil in the social mould that has remained immovable for centuries. The language structure would initially resist this demolition of social hierarchy. Later it would lead to a state of hopeless mismanagement and interpersonal animosity in the individuals in the society. However the chance to shift into English, whenever Japanese language could create havoc, among the educated individuals and escape the tyranny of the language could provide a safety valve for the society, from a highly explosive pressure that could build up.
However another factor could also be at work. That is the strong connection Japan has with the English speaking countries like Britain and United States of America. This also could help the society to feel that it has a lifeline.
The effect of Japan on the English society can be briefly dealt here. Elaboration can be done later. In the Japanese society, there could be simmering discontent and unhappiness among the middle classes and lesser sections. Only, they wouldn’t have the necessary means of expressing it. In many cases, they wouldn’t even understand the reason for their distress. They may tend to blame the English societies for their woes, when actually the real cause may be just in front of them: the Japanese language.
Compared to the English-speaking Boss, a Japanese boss would be more powerful and despotic. For he gets instinctive homage from his juniors. This could be a point of shallow envy for the English bosses. However there is nothing in this system for an English worker, or even for the society at large, to envy.
There would be reasons for a Japanese worker in America or England to be liked. For, he is ever ready to exhibit a profuse sense of homage. However what has to be remembered is that once this person grows into a boss, he also expects the same amount of belittling actions of homage and respect. He prefers those who would willingly extend it. And this factor could slowly erode the individuality that now exists in the English world.
Actually, persons who think and function in feudal language software programs do have a sort of ambivalent and ambiguous two-sided personality, which are starkly different and distinct from each other. One of meek obsequiousness, when he or she is on the lower pane; and other of stifling regimentation. It need not be understood that the latter behaviour comes with loud and pretentious arrogance. It can also be displayed effectively with supreme finesse using soft words and an affable demeanour.