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Impromptu / Extempore  speeches

Speech17                            Speech19

18. The more we communicate, the less we really say.

Brevity is the soul of wit.

These famous words come from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

May I quote the exact words, my friends?

Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,

And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,

I will be brief: your noble son is mad:

Mad call I it; for, to define true madness,

What is't but to be nothing else but mad?

But let that go.

Well, it was LORD POLONIUS who speaks these words. Yet, I am sure that he is not very brief in his words. In fact, I fear that it was a verbal torrent that came from his mouth. In fact, he was just an old chatterbox just as Freud has termed him.

Well, do chatterboxes effectively convey ideas? Well, they do, no doubt about that, but then, precision and exactness of ideas get lost in the gushing sound and flow of the immensity of words and sentences that come along with it.

My friends, you may have noticed, that when we really have something concrete and serious to communicate, we generally tend to be more focused in our words, and sentences. Persons who want to convey not just the message but other things about their own personality complexities usually mingle the message with these frill issues, and make a mess and mincemeat of the message.

Gentlemen, I have worked in sales in my youthful days. The best sales communication strategy that I used in sales was allowing the potential customer to talk to his or her heart’s content.

This gave me an immensity of information. For, when the customer talks, he or she invariably conveys ideas and requirements.

At the same time, I try to be brief in my words. This not only allows me to listen to the words of my customer and gets me time to bring focus on to my words, but also allows me to hide my own pitfalls from coming up.

When I speak, it is focused on what the customer wants to hear. And also, he or she gets a satisfied feel that I was a very good listener to his or her words.

It helps.

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