A commentary by

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
The human ambience around Oscar Wilde and Alfred Douglas
Now, I need to take up the communication and social framework which must have acted upon Oscar Wilde.
Because he is bilingual or even trilingual, he can stretch his imagination as well as emotions and verbal strings far beyond what an Englishman or woman who knows only English can do. He is from the Irish middleclass actually. And not from any kind of nobility, which he is mentioned to be continually hinting at.
QUOTE: He was able to talk of his mother as Lady Wilde, and I have heard him refer to her in certain company as "her ladyship" with great effect. You would imagine from his manner that she was a grande dame of the first water, with two or three large places to her name, and retinues of servants. END OF QUOTE
QUOTE: His suits and caps must be all of one piece, his boots as worn by ''the nobility and gentry" and his general accoutrements designed subtly to convey the impression that he owned at least ten thousand acres somewhere or other END OF QUOTE.
QUOTE: He desired to pass for a gentleman, a "gentleman of rank," and nothing more. And this he undoubtedly succeeded in doing to his own satisfaction. END OF QUOTE
QUOTE: In one passage in the published "De Profundis" he actually uses the words, “I had inherited a noble name." END OF QUOTE
QUOTE: In the case of Wilde, it is due to him to say that he kept his parentage and extraction fairly in the background so far as I was concerned. He admitted that he belonged to the Irish middle classes and prided himself on having risen to academic honour, not with the help of money, but by sheer force of intellect. This was in the early days of our acquaintance. Ultimately, when he had managed to get out of the rut of bohemianism and to find his way into respectable society, he began to conceive himself in the light of a very great social figure, and it was easy for him to suppose that he was a born member of the aristocracy and that all his people belonged to what Burke, I believe, calls 'The titled landed and official classes." END OF QUOTE
QUOTE: Down to the time of my first meeting Wilde, he had never had any real footing in society and, though he fought for it desperately during the period of our friendship, I doubt if he ever really got it. END OF QUOTE
QUOTE: My brother was amused and, though they did not meet more than three times, it was years before Wilde ceased to talk pompously of "my friend, Lord Drumlanrig, Lord-in-Waiting to Her Majesty.'' END OF QUOTE
The above-quotes from Alfred Douglas might be correct to the extent that they delineate the biological person that Oscar Wilde was. The biological individual lives in society, which has emotional controls and strings over him.
However, they cannot define or degrade Oscar Wilde the writer. A capable writer can reach out beyond the confines of these shackles and create great works from inside his or her brain-software.
Now let me continue with the human ambience around Oscar Wilde and later Alfred Douglas.
My information on Oscar Wilde’s writings is not that of an expert in that subject. I have been terrifically impressed by his verbal power. Beyond that I did suspect that his words might be resonating with themes much more deeper than what he himself might have imagined.
In fact there are his words in De Profundis:
QUOTE: Some of it is in The Happy Prince, some of it in The Young King, notably in the passage where the bishop says to the kneeling boy, ‘Is not He who made misery wiser than thou art?’ a phrase which when I wrote it seemed to me little more than a phrase ; a great deal of it is hidden away in the note of doom that like a purple thread runs through the texture of Dorian Gray; in The Critic as Artist it is set forth in many colours; in The Soul of Man it is written down, and in letters too easy to read ; it is one of the refrains whose recurring motifs make Salome so like a piece of music and bind it together as a ballad; in the prose poem of the man who from the bronze of the image of the ‘Pleasure that liveth for a moment’ has to make the image of the ‘Sorrow that abideth for ever’ it is incarnate. It could not have been otherwise. At every single moment of one’s life one is what one is going to be no less than what one has been. END OF QUOTE
He does make a lot of statements about Art.
QUOTE: I remember saying once to Andre Gide, as we sat together in some Paris cafe that while metaphysics had but little real interest for me, and morality absolutely none, there was nothing that either Plato or Christ had said that could not be transferred immediately into the sphere of Art and there find its complete fulfilment. END OF QUOTE
I did have a very curious feeling that all the various tall claims of Art were actually some kind of mental trip to the hidden world of the virtual arena that stands behind reality. Reality is just the Real view of some kind of supernatural application. Behind it, stands both the Code View as well as the Design View. (Readers interested in this theme are requested to check my book: Software codes of mantra, tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil eye, evil tongue &c.)
I remember reading the following words in Moon and Sixpence by Somerset Maugham:
QUOTE1: The colours were the colours familiar to me, and yet they were different. They had a significance which was all their own. And those nude men and women. They were of the earth, and yet apart from it. They seemed to possess something of the clay of which they were created, and at the same time something divine. You saw man in the nakedness of his primeval instincts, and you were afraid, for you saw yourself." END OF QUOTE
QUOTE2: Those great works of his have the calm of the sublime; but here, notwithstanding beauty, was something troubling. I do not know what it was. It made me uneasy. It gave me the impression you get when you are sitting next door to a room that you know is empty, but in which, you know not why, you have a dreadful consciousness that notwithstanding there is someone. You scold yourself; you know it is only your nerves—and yet, and yet... In a little while it is impossible to resist the terror that seizes you, and you are helpless in the clutch of an unseen horror. END OF QUOTE
Now, let me leave Art, of which my knowledge is abysmally miniscule.
I have already admitted my lack of deep information on Oscar Wilde’s life and associates. I have seen the name of Robert Ross mentioned in close association with him. But then I did get a feeling that this Ross was not an ideal companion for Wilde from an intellectual sense. I do not exactly know how this feeling came about.
I also remember that I did feel there was some kind of competitive feeling in Ross against Alfred Douglas. This issue has been seen mentioned somewhere in the sense that Ross was in love with Wilde and he looked upon Douglas as a competitor to Wilde’s affection.
As far as I can judge the scenario, the above-mentioned claim could be total nonsense. These are the silly claims of individuals who do not know how complicated human emotions are, especially when it comes in close association with feudal language emotions.
I do not see any reason why I should have pondered much more upon those issues. However, the moment I read this book by Alfred Douglas, my mind immediately went alert to the real emotional strings and tugs that really worked from behind the scenes.
I did sense some kind of feudal language ambience. For, the item that came into my mind could not be worked out from a pristine-English background. For, very many cantankerous and disquieting emotions found in feudal languages are not there in pristine-English.
The spiteful emotions could be core feudal-language ones. But then the location was England.
In the same way that I had looked at the Irish language, I decided to check up on Robert Ross. Was he of Irish descent?
Wikipedia, though a low-class encyclopaedia portal, remains the best route to check up on such things (until something of grand quality arrives!). See what was seen on Robert Ross>
QUOTE: Ross was born in Tours, France. His mother, Elizabeth Baldwin, was the eldest daughter of Robert Baldwin, a Toronto lawyer and politician END OF QUOTE
On checking up on Robert Baldwin, this is what I found >
QUOTE: Robert Baldwin's grandfather, also Robert Baldwin ("Robert the emigrant") moved to Upper Canada from Ireland in 1799. END OF QUOTE
The maternal side was seen as Irish.
Now what about the paternal side?
QUOTE: Ross's father, John Ross, was a Baldwinite and a Toronto lawyer END OF QUOTE
On checking up on John Ross, this is what I found>
QUOTE: John Ross (March 10, 1818 – January 31, 1871) was a Canadian lawyer, politician, and businessman. Born in County Antrim, Ireland, he was brought to Canada as an infant. END OF QUOTE.
Here as an aside it may be added that Robert Ross’ parentage did have hues of renegade attitude to England / Great Britain. Only a totally naive or foolish nation would actually give right of residence, domicile or citizenship / subject-hood to such persons. I have seen persons from South Asia, who after spending much of the lifetime on anti-England or anti-US demagogy or writings, slowly shifting themselves or their family members to England or to the US without much ado or demur.
Coming back to the stream of the writing, it is seen that Robert Ross was of solid Irish bloodlines, with plenty of anti-English antiquity to go with it.
Here I have to mention a caution for myself and for the reader. I am a total outsider to the scene. My writings and contentions do have this defect. I may suffer from a total non-understanding of what I am writing about. It might be akin to the writings of English colonial officials on themes connected to South Asia during the times of English colonialism in the location. The observations were at best from a platform of no-understanding that the place was brimming with feudal language codes about which the native-English colonial officials had no information on.
There is this sentence I quote from the words of Col. Munro (1814), an official of the English East India Company, who had been asked by the Queen of Travancore to run the administration for some time.
QUOTE taken from Travancore State Manual written by V Nagam Iyya: The influence of names is considerable, and the discontinuance of the title of karigars will be attended with advantage. END OF QUOTE
He had somehow detected that Honorific-usages that stand behind names as stature codes do have terrific effect on the social psyche. But then no one might have informed him that this simple observation was connected to very complicated strings of verbal codes, which are non-tangible.
A similar kind of deficiency might be there in my own observations on social systems of which I am not a part of. However, I have come to a location in life wherein I have perfect conviction that verbal codes in languages are quite powerful and do affect almost every aspect of human life.
Did Robert Ross and Oscar Wilde have a communication relationship in Irish language? That is a very powerful bit of information area, the power of which the native-English have no information on.
For instance, when South Asians speak and communicate with the native-English, they will speak in English. When speaking in English the huge content of feudal hierarchies natural to the feudal languages of South Asia simply goes invisible. However, when the South Asians talk to each other in their native languages, many minor bits of hints, hues and information affect each and every sentence that is spoken. Direction codes appear. Codes of respect, degradation and subordination appear. Minor words which might go totally unobserved in English would create huge issues of degradation and insubordination. A slight whisper of a You word, which is mentioned in the wrong indicant level form can ignite homicidal mania in the native-Englishman or woman if he or she were to understand the verbal codes.
In a similar manner, when Robert Ross did have a communication relationship in Irish language with Oscar Wilde, a lot of hidden to the native-English eye, hierarchies and subordinations and degradation and respect and many other things would come into play. If Robert Ross did speak the Irish language, then again, he would be associated with many others who spoke the same language. The same would be the situation with Oscar Wilde.
There would appear an invisible, close-knit subculture inside England. Inside this subculture, the native-English would stand dispersed into varying levels and statures. However, generally the Irish who live inside England would slowly emerge out of this subculture. For, it would be like bearing a shackle to continue an association with it.
Moreover, in those days, there was no means of instant communication. So, relocation to England literally wipes out all distressing wrappings. However, that is not the case as of now. Almost all feudal-language nationalities that move to native-English nations bring inside, their native-land feudal language infections and see to it that it breeds and spreads right into the fertile outsides all around.
I do not know if there is a stature code that has to be affixed behind the name of a senior-in-age person, in Irish. And whether the You word that need to be addressed is of the ennobling type. I have no information on how the various verbal codes relate to each other. Also on whether Oscar Wilde would use the lower grade You on Robert Ross.
This is only one part of the issue. There are the words of He, Him, His &c. which he would use to refer to Robert Ross when speaking about him to others in Irish. If he is doing this on Ross, then he might be using the same lower grade indicant words about Alfred Douglas also.
It is a very cunning situation. Wherein Alfred Douglas would be on a communication level of equality with Oscar Wilde in English. At the same time, he would be brought down to the level of a kid or youngster or silly boy in Irish.
It is a very singular situation. In which, Alfred Douglas would be totally in the dark, unless he understands Irish. If he does understand Irish, then he would feel the wobbling effect as he sees himself being oscillated between civilised heights and creepy lowliness as he gets oscillated between English and Irish. It would be a very disturbing situation, unless he has been attuned to it since his childhood.
Robert Ross also would be living in a close-knit social ambience of Irish-speakers. In this world, Oscar Wilde would be on the verbal heights, while he himself would be on the verbal lowliness. He would see to it that he pulls down Alfred Douglas also to his levels in the verbal codes. There would be a terrific desperation to do it.
Again, I need to take a detour and mention the English royalty which has gone as of now totally amok. The members of the Royalty are addressed and mentioned with adequate titles to uphold their stature in a more or less planar language ambience. It is a very weak propping up, compared to what feudal languages can do. In fact, these props cannot protect them from the pejorative indicant verbal forms in feudal languages.
When a Royal baby is born and is being tended to by a feudal language speaking nurse, the baby is literally left defenceless against the powerfully pushing down and dismantling degrading verbal usages for words such as You, He, His, Him, She, Her, Hers &c.
Since my contention is that there is indeed a virtual code arena behind reality, in this arena the royal baby would become deformed in mental stature. These things are very slight, for the total ambience of the English Royalty could spring him or her back to his or her innate royal heights.
However, somewhere in the innermost code areas of the entity, that is the Royal baby, some deficiencies might attach to the code values. This is not only a location of weakness, but a location where, in later years, feudal-language speakers can attach or port in a virus link to their own aspirations.
Now coming back to the main theme, there is this thing to be mentioned. Alfred Douglas is actually Lord Alfred Douglas. Even though he has taken a stand that
QUOTE: It is perhaps necessary for me to say here that I have never in my life laid any great stress upon the advantages of birth. If a man's manners and disposition are all right, I am not greatly concerned to know that his father drove pigs or got locked up for stealing spoons. END OF QUOTE,
it is quite a dangerous stance when he is accosting feudal language speakers. As it is, the very existence of nobility inside England is a location wherein there is some strain on the planar language codes. For, some kinds of verbal bulging and depressions do occur in the planar-language English. It might not be similar to what is there in a feudal language. Even then, there is some kind of disturbance in the ordinary verbal code arrangement.
The Lord has to be addressed as Lord and the female as a Lady. Then there are various other titles, like the Royal Highness, Her Majesty, Crown Prince, Princesses, the Duke, the Duchess, Marquis, Marchioness &c.
The issue for these words in English is that when such honorific are attached to a name, the other words such as You, Your, Yours, He, His, Him, She, Her, Hers, They, Their, Theirs etc. do not change. For, there is no other form to change to. So, these honorific are actually very feeble compared to those in feudal languages. In feudal languages, these honorific titles are upheld up a huge set of verbal codes. And they keep down the others in states or slots of relative degradation. I will leave this theme here. For, if I touch the theme here, the theme will literally expand astronomically.
Though English is a planar language, the fact that Alfred Douglas is actually from a class, QUOTE: which takes no stock in cant and is not to be put down by windy rhetoric; a class, too, which does not look to Mr. Horatio Bottomley for a push into prominence. END OF QUOTE, does bring in a change in the whole demeanour of the people associated with Alfred Douglas.
There is this quote also to be taken into account:
QUOTE: I was never allowed to forget that I was Lord Alfred Douglas, the son of a marquis and a person of consequence. END OF QUOTE.
A lot would depend on how Oscar Wilde did mention Alfred Douglas to Ross and others on the Irish side. If he consistently mentioned him as a Lord and his great friend, then a consistent higher verbal level would have to be used. But then Robert Ross and others would be speaking to Alfred Douglas in English, wherein these higher verbal usages simply dissolve into thin air.
Even though both psychology as well as psychiatry are totally in the dark about these things (actually they possibly know very next to nothing about human and animal brain and thought features), the fact remains that there is a huge content in these oscillating verbal coding.
0. Book profile
2. An undercurrent of a non-English
3. Hiding a trigger for homicide
5. Impressions on Alfred Douglas
6. Inserting oneself into an English
9. Verbal communication issues
10. Sensing hidden communication-code
12. To create a social pedestal
13. What comes out of the revelations
14. A very brief commentary on De Profundis
The book
0. Preface
1. Introductory
2. Oxford
7. Lord Queensberry Intervenes
10. Naples and Paris
11. The "Ballad of Reading Gaol”
12. The Truth about "De Profundis"
15. The Article in the ''Revue Blanche"
16. Fifteen Years of Persecution
17. Wilde's Poetry
19. For Posterity
20. The British Museum and "De Profundis"
21. Ransome's "Critical Study"
23. "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
25. Crosland and "The First Stone"
27. Wilde in Russia, France and Germany
28. The Smaller Fry