A commentary by

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Inserting oneself into an English social ambience
QUOTE: When I first became an intimate friend of Oscar Wilde, my mother, who had an instinctive dislike of Wilde, wrote to Mr. Warren and asked him if he considered Wilde was the sort of man who would be a good friend for me. The President, in reply, sent her a long letter in which he gave Wilde a very high character, praised his great gifts and achievements of scholarship and literature, and assured her that I might consider myself lucky to have obtained the favourable notice of such an eminent man. I mention this, not as anything to Mr. Warren's detriment, but simply to show the sort of reputation Wilde at that time enjoyed among the big-wigs of the University. END OF QUOTE.
Here there is one point that might be missed from noticing. Alfred’s mother did have an instinctive dislike for Wilde. Even though there are very many reasons why one should have an instinctive dislike for another person, I am bringing to notice one point that might not be known to native-English-speakers.
Feudal language speakers do instinctively carry an invisible, and yet feel-able social framework along with them. When a social superior in South Asia mingles with a social inferior as an equal, something non-tangible can disturb him. It is just that the lower-positioned person has a very powerful and yet real but virtual in form, positioning of persons in which each persons are placed in varying slots in varying x, y and z coordinates in a virtual 3-D arena. It is like an ordinary coolie worker in India becoming equal to an IAS or IPS ‘officer’. These ‘officers’ are the royal classes of the Indian civil and police administration. If the coolie worker becomes an equal to this royalty, there are terrific cataclysmic changes happening in the verbal codes. In every location where the coolie man is connected the IAS / IPS ‘officers’ would feel the demeaning happening.
I took up the IAS/IPS versus coolie man combination to bring into focus the terror in its maximum force. For, the two individuals in most social situations exist on the two extreme poles of the social diameter, positioned vertically.
During the English colonial rule in South Asia, I think the English colonial officials were more at ease with the lower-most classes of people. For, they would offer more ‘respect’. At the same time, the lower-most populations would be more happy to be connected to the native-Englishmen and women. For, the latter would not be oppressive as was the attitude of the local social superiors. That was simply because English is a planar language.
However, the moment the lower class individuals get to position themselves as equals to the native-Englishmen, it is they who would revel in displaying their calibre and capacity, which they would claim can vie with or even outclass the calibre and capacity of native-Englishmen. The exact vernacular usage to describe their behaviour would be ‘being over-smart’.
In the case of the original social superiors of South Asia, their improving to the level of native-Englishmen would actually be felt as a lowering of their natural capacity for overawing and snubbing the lower populations of the land.
When feudal language speakers arrive in native-English lands, their demeanour would be that of extreme gratitude, effusive affability, overtly friendly etc. For, the very communication setting is beyond anything possible in their native land.
Even though the above-mentioned points are not fully connected to this commentary, I gave a detailed version here just to give the full picture to a native-English reader of this book.
Coming back to Oscar Wilde, when he tries to connect to a native-English household, there would actually be a collision of two different social structures colliding in the virtual arena, to which everything in the physical reality is connected. Beyond that, Alfred Douglas’ mother is from the Nobility. This brings in another kind of totally different feudal content in the verbal codes. For, this nobility is the superior class of an English nation. Not one in a feudal language society. There is much to be mentioned about this. However, I will not pursue that path.
Oscar Wilde would be thrilled to be with an English social system. But then, it is not a novel experience, in that the Irish have been connected to England for long. Even though they might put up a lot of arguments against England, their only option out of this connection was to move to the US, which again is just a nation built up upon a framework of native-English settlements in the New World.
Oscar Wilde was now connecting to the English nobility. Here again, there is much to be mentioned. When feudal language speakers enter into native-English nations, many of them would actually be parading themselves to the applause, clapping and acclaim of a huge collection of people (from their own native-place) who are not immediately visible around them. For, whatever they do and achieve in native-English nations are displayed in their native lands, to the common folks who view their celestial stature in unconcealed worshipful admiration and adoration. Indicant verbal codes would literally shoot up skywards. Even a single photo of them being in close association with some native-Englishman or woman would have the value of gold in their native lands. If an original native-Englishman or woman is not available, some other white-skinned person would suffice.
The above, I spoke with regard to Asia and Africa. In the case of South America and Continental Europe, there can be slight differences, but overall the idea would be same.
QUOTE: In the case of Wilde, it is due to him to say that he kept his parentage and extraction fairly in the background so far as I was concerned. He admitted that he belonged to the Irish middle classes and prided himself on having risen to academic honour, not with the help of money, but by sheer force of intellect. This was in the early days of our acquaintance. Ultimately, when he had managed to get out of the rut of bohemianism and to find his way into respectable society, he began to conceive himself in the light of a very great social figure, and it was easy for him to suppose that he was a born member of the aristocracy and that all his people belonged to what Burke, I believe, calls 'The titled landed and official classes." END OF QUOTE.
0. Book profile
2. An undercurrent of a non-English
3. Hiding a trigger for homicide
5. Impressions on Alfred Douglas
6. Inserting oneself into an English
9. Verbal communication issues
10. Sensing hidden communication-code
12. To create a social pedestal
13. What comes out of the revelations
14. A very brief commentary on De Profundis
The book
0. Preface
1. Introductory
2. Oxford
7. Lord Queensberry Intervenes
10. Naples and Paris
11. The "Ballad of Reading Gaol”
12. The Truth about "De Profundis"
15. The Article in the ''Revue Blanche"
16. Fifteen Years of Persecution
17. Wilde's Poetry
19. For Posterity
20. The British Museum and "De Profundis"
21. Ransome's "Critical Study"
23. "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
25. Crosland and "The First Stone"
27. Wilde in Russia, France and Germany
28. The Smaller Fry